Falling for my Bestfriend?

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     I'm not your average teenage girl. 16 years young. But at home, it's not so average. And its not so great. My parents split up when I was about 7, and ever since then, my mom has been bringing a different guy home almost every night. Every day after school, I try to NOT come home. Home is the last place I want to be right now. My best friends, Bailey and Peyton, are the ones who make fun of me for who I like. But the only reason they make fun of me is because they know as well as anybody else does, that I have no chance with him. Even I know that. He's single right now, but he flirts with a girl already, so you might as well call him taken.

     Even if I wanted to try to even say a word to Cole, one of his friends would just come up to him and start talking. And then it would be awkward for me so I just walk away. He never even looks at me at school even. I guess I don't blame him, I'm me. I have medium lengthed blonde hair and blue eyes, and I'm 5'5". I'm average height i guess, but if you've seen the girls that Cole dated, I am definatley not in his league. Not even close. The girls are just perfect for him. Perfect hieght, prefect hair, perfect everything. Yet, Cole still fins a way to cheat on them. I think he just gets bored of her but doesn't want to hurt her feelings. I don't even know why I like him if he cheats. I know he cheats, but thee is just something abou thim that is different that no one else has seen in him before. And there is something about him that no one has seen before, and I feel like I could find it. That's why I still like him.

     It was already 7:30 in the morning and I still haven't finished doing my hair. And my school starts at 7:45. I knew I was going to be late to school, so why not finish my hair and be late to school. My mom doesn't care if I'm late. She's not even the one who drives me to school anyways.

     Luckily, when I called Jayson, one of my other best friends, he was runninglate too. So he could give me a ride. A lot of people at school ask us if we are dating, since we hang out together so much. But I know that he knows that we are just friends. He tried asking me out once in the eighth grade but I said I didn't want it to ruin our relationship. Lucky for me, because now were like best friends and I feel like I can tell him anything.

     Jayson arrived at 8:00. It looks like we won't be getting to school until second period, which I am so happy about. First period is history with Mr. Foster, and he is so strict. I'm lucky, again today because I have second period with Jayson, so we will be late together.

     All of second period was a drag. So slow it felt like. All I couldc think about was for lunch. I don't know what I would do without food. Well, except for the fact that I would die.

     I eat so much I don't even know how I'm not over wieght. Still 120 pounds since the eighth grade. I don't even know how I haven't gained a pound. Peyton says that I'm really lucky because I have a fast metabolism. And if i didn't, then instead of an elephant squishing me, I would squishing it. Peyton, I think, was just trying to be nice about it but there is no way how u can be nice about that at all.

     It was finally lunch time, and I couldn't wait to fill my stomach. I was in line with Peyton and Bailey, and Jayson was in a different line with his friends. I knew this because I saw him on the other side of the cafeteria messing around with his friends, like always.

     As we got closer to the front of the line, the more I felt my stomach hurting. "Maybe it's just that your hungery." said Bailey. She always knew whenever I held my hands over my stomach that there was something wrong. "Yeah, I hope so," I replied. I could tell she knew that's not why my stomach was hurting. She leaned over and whispered in my ear, "It's your time of the month, isn't is?" And I just nodded. I didn't have to say anything.

     After we all got our lunches and headed back to our table, some kid started yelling. I know not to pay attention to him. That's all he was doing. Was trying to get attention. But there was one thing that me want to turn around. His voice sounded so familiar, like I hear it everyday. I didn't want to turn around but I had to see who it was. The moment I turned around, I knew I would regret seeing who it was. Jayson.

     He was yelling things like, "I can't believe you would talk about her like that!" or "Why would tou say that?!?!?!" I was kind of worried what he was talking about, but it didn't seem like he needed any help. It looked like he had everything under control. But as soon as he said something, I knew that he was talking about me. "Why would you talk behind my best friend's back?!?" My face turned bright red in a matter of seconds. It was then that I wanted to know what he was talking about.

     There are plenty of kids who talk behind my back. And sometimes I hear them or even Jayson hears them. Maybe it was just enough to make him mad. When I turned my head simply to the right, I saw Jayson yelling at Cole. "Oh no." I thought. I needed to keep watching. To know, for sure, what he was talking about. 

     I was walking really slow back to our table, with my head turned, watching Jayson.That's when I tripped over a chair at a table. I got up laughing and said, "Well, that was embarassing." I looked back to where Jayson had been standing before and he wasn't there. I quickly scammed the cafeteria and Jayson was sitting down in his seat. But I couldn't find Cole anywhere. When I looked over at Jayson, he looked pretty mad, and he was just shaking his head back and forth. I must have missed what happpened. Just because I tripped over a chair. I can't believe my clumsiness got in the way. I knew this must have been good because everyone was high-fiving Jayson and Cole was no where to be seen. I felt like everyone was watching me. I'm sure everyone that was in the cafeteria today knew what happened, except me.

        Just as I was starting to ask Peyton and Bailey about what happened, the principal came into the cafeteria and grabbed Jayson by his right arm and walked out of the room. I was so confused on what was going on. And apparently, Bailey could see it too. Because she even asked, "Did you not get any of that? Of what I just said?" "uh-no." I replied in confusion. I didn't even know she said something. "I was telling you what happened." Bailey said. I didn't even get a chance to reply when the bell rang, signaling that it was time for class to start soon. I didn't have any more classes with Peyton or Bailey. I had one more class with Jayson. He should tell me what happened. I mean, he tells me everything. I don't see why he wouldn't tell me in sixth period.


Thanks for reading and another chapter will be up shortly. Hang on tight and enjoy the ride! ;) I hope you liked it, and please feel free to leave a comment and like it up. It's greatly appreciated and gives me more motivation to write more. And sorry if there is any mistakes. Story is not yet edited. :D

              ~Kylee (author) :D

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