Chapter 23: Rolly

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Chapter 23: Rolly


"Rolly." I kept on saying while laughing yet choking. Am I crazy or a fool or what? Nah iy's just myself. I'm just too disgusted yet disgusted again by Gail. How could she dare to.. ya know. Ew just ew and yuck. 

They ran after me, I mean just mom. She ran to me to my room and she barged on the door cause I locked it lol. Mom's pounding, why does she even care that I found that out? I do not care about their sex life =_= She's pounding on it Then she finally opened the door using the spare keys, nice. Sat on my bed next to me then asked me what I heard. Really mom?

Haha, of course I said, "All of it, why does it matters?" I suddenly ask.

"Great." She said with a 'pissed-off' look on her face, "Nothing." Ooh she's hiding something. Or maybe even Gail.

"No what is it?" I questioned and faced her.

"Never mind, be downstairs, I'll make dinner." She gets up then left.

"I'm fine." I shouted hoping she still hears that, of course lol.

After doing my last-minute-to-do projects, I sprinted to the kitchen. I took the seat directly across Gail and flashed her a face of disgust. She didn't return back anything, just a blank face.

I quickly asked them "So where's Rolly?" Anger rose up me for mentioning that bad word.

"I don't know." Gail spoke for the first time, whoah.

"So is he gonna support that kid?" I said pointing to her not-much-much-grown-up stomach.

"No!" They shouted in sync.

"Agree, I won't let that bitch to stay with that kid so they won't be stupid like him." I said as I finish my food, I eagerly walked up to my room.


I plugged my earphone on both my earlobes and played my favorites, first came through was Neon Lights. I love this song so I sang long with it.

Be still my heart cause it's freaking out

It's freaking out, right now
Shining like stars cause we're beautiful
We're beautiful, right now
You're all I see in all these places
You're all I see in all these faces
So let's pretend we're running out of time, of time

Baby when they look up at the sky
We'll be shooting stars just passing by
You'll be coming home with me tonight
And we'll be burning up like neon lights

Then the songs was interrupted by a beep, signalling I had a new text message, I wonder who it was came from. I unlocked my phone and 'Sawg Masstah' appeared, oh great now what you want Lou?

I looked at it and saw:

Sawg Masstah: "Dock down, cover your head with your both hands and go to something safe like under a table. There's an asteroid coming near us! Arghhhh!" I laughed at this.

Me: Rly? Hahah you're joking, I'm not in your place so u're d 1 who needs to hide lol not me." I clicked send and once locked my phone.

Why is it school took forever to end I don't know lol but when you're with someone special to you. And after forever lol yeah school's finally over and I'm rushing back home since 1D will have a show tomorrow at Detroit, where my Nan lives so this weekend Will be a lot of fun. Friday until Sunday with Nan then I will see the boys tomorrow yay.

I quickly hopped off the bus and ran to my room, I get a not so big and not so small bag just to fit in the clothes I might need to those 3 days. Then after putting  on my wallet and charger I walked up to mom.

"Hey mom can I get your keys?" I asked sweetly, to show off lol. 

"Okay" She said as she handed me them. "Be safe!" She half-screamed to me as I left the house, slamming the door.


After like driving an almost an hour, I was on her pathway. A grin spread across me and get excited. I parked the car carefully in front of her porch and grab my bag in the passenger's seat. I excitedly knocked at her door. Twice. Then a middle-aged woman appeared.

"Hey Aunt Kelly!!" I hug her. Aunt Kelly is my, well not really my aunt, she's dad's old friend from here and volunteered to take care of my grand-mom since she don't have a family.

"You've grown so much Ace!" She chuckled as long as me.

When I release the hug, I looked at her back and saw a familiar old woman standing looking at me, her arms wide open for me to take it. I'm gladly took and hugged her tight, not that too tight, she's old remember?

"I missed you so much Nan" I said as I kissed her cheek. 

She stroked my long light brown hair then say "Where's your mom and Gail?' My stomach flipped as she mentions their name.

Eh should I say it to Nan? Maybe later... "They're home." She kinda looked disappointed.

 "Dinner yeah?!" Kelly said arranging the table for us.

"Chicken Alfredo, pasta, salad and a-a.. a pizza!!!" I told them hungrily.

I talked to Kelly about Gail and if I tell Nan 'bout it. She said yes, erm I'll tell her tomorrow. I sheepishly changed to pajamas and brushed my teeth. I get under the comfy blankets and looked at the beside clock. 11:10 PM, we'll wait for another 1 minute.

I groaned impatiently waiting for that stupid one minute that takes 5 minutes. I again looked at the clock and saw it's 11:11.23, I better wish quickly. I closed my eyes and mouthed my wish into the air three times and hoping it would come true.


A/N ya'll are doing so great! i love you all :* and anyone who can make a good cover to this book, message me the link and if I used yours, you'll get a dedication 2 times in the next chappies :) *neon lights on the side bar*

Goal: 5 votes/ 3 feed backs lol bye cx

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