Hide and Search

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Hey to anyone reading this story. The title 'Hide and Search' is just a temporary title, 'cos I couldn't really think of a good one. Anyway, this isn't really the first chapter, it's more just a teaser. It is set on earth, and is quite similar to Roman times, but it's really an imaginary point in the Ancient past. I'll probably post lots of 'teasers' to stories, and only continue to write ones that people like. Anyway, if you like what you read, please let me know, because I'll only update it if people actually read it. I hope you like it though!

Henry picked it the box up off the table. It was about the length of Ama's forearm, and about as wide as her hand. The small room was dusty and dark, the only furniture the small wooden table, the fireplace and a dusty dry vase made from woven palm leaves in the corner. The only light was the small fire Henry had made in the hearth. He studied the box intently, tracing a picture painted on the leather bound top, tapping its wooden bottom to see whether it held anything inside.

"Look Henry, I doubt it holds anything important. Just because my mother said something about this house, well,". She looked out the window at the black sky outside, and stretched her arms. The bell tower in the distance struck midnight. If either of them were found out of doors, they would be arrested. Henry handed Ama the box, which she held up to the fire to see properly. Suddenly she gave a small scream and threw the box on the floor.
"See?" said Henry, smiling grimly. "I knew it would he important."
"Important?" she hissed. "Henry, it has the symbol of death painted on it."
Ama crouched down next to the box. Her light brown dress felt loose around her waist. Years of working as a slave, and weeks of running from the law had made her thin. The fire crackled and began to go out. "We ought to burn it."
Henry sat on the wooden table, which creaked.
"We ought to look inside it" he stated.
Ama stood up. She wasn't as tall as Henry, but she wasn't trying to look imposing.
"Yes," she whispered furiously, "and release the creatures of death into this room."
Henry looked skeptical. "I don't believe in those old superstitions. They're just there to scare us."
"Fine. You can open the box if you want, as for me, I'd rather not be violently burned and killed by whatever is inside, but fine, that's your decision."
"The guards will come and do the same to us if you don't whisper".
Ama just rolled her eyes, but when she sure that Henry was indeed going to open the box, she stepped back and pressed herself against the wall. Even Henry, despite saying he didn't believe the superstitions surrounding the symbol of death looked worried. Silently, he undid the strings around the lid, and then, with a hesitant pause, pulled it off slowly. All of a sudden the fire went out and he dropped the box and it's lid with a crash. Ama shut her eyes as hard as she could.

After half a minute she opened them again, and was shocked to see that the candle painted on the lid of the box, the symbol of death, was glowing.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2013 ⏰

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