Optimus X Prowl

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*** Hallo! It's been a little while since I wrote something that resembles a one shot (even though this... feels like it could be made into something much longer and stickier..) ***

** WARNINGS: Chubby chubby chubby... stuffing... hand feeding. Too many fucking donuts. **

* I blame tumblr and Reddle because I saw a beautiful thing sent in by an anon and it made me just ooz and melt into a puddle... *


"Sir, I can explain," Prowl said quietly but you would never know he failed by the tone he carried. "It's unacceptable," his officer snapped. "You failed to obtain the material, and you failed to not be seen," the powerful blue optics bored deep into in. If Prowl was anyone else, he'd flinch.

"You put all of us in danger for your arrogance, you will be punished," he stated, leaning into Prowl. "What do you propose is a suitable punishment for a mech that can't take orders?" His officer's optics burned into him, making him start to feel small. Prowl's head was spinning, what could he say? He was a tactician, he should have known better.

His officer, still leaning over the desk, Prowl's arms anxiously rested on the arms of the chair. "Perhaps..." his voice trailed off, what good a punishment could he give himself that would reflect on his failure? His officer narrowed his piercing blue optics, "Perhaps is not good enough." Prowl did flinch, his optics travelled across his officers frame, he saw no weakness.

"I know how to punish you," he leaned in again, much closer than before. Prowl felt himself shrink down, what is his idea on punishment? He couldn't speak, but he wasn't going to be able to talk soon enough. "Open your mouth, soldier," the low tones voice coursed through his systems, a devilishly lone voice. Prowl hesitated but did as he was ordered.

One thing he did not expect was that when he opened, something would be shoved in. What else should he have expected? That's what you do with an open mouth. His glossa danced over the object, upon only a moment he knew exactly what it was.

A fist sized jelly filled donut. Oh no.

"Chew and swallow," his officers tone had increasing lowered, sending a shiver down Prowl's spine. Prowl did what was asked of him, no, ordered of him. How could he refuse? It would only seem like another failure.

Another was shoved in, Prowl chewed however this time savored the flavors. Sweet, sticky strawberry jelly that coated him mouth that had a simple glaze. It tasted so sweet, almost too sweet for the tactician but he had no say in it, so he swallowed.

"Again," the same low voice went, through a whisper, it sent another shiver down Prowl's spine. More than one was pushed in, maybe three, it made some of the jelly slosh out and ooz onto his face. An amused purr seemed to emanate from his officer. Prowl was not sure wether it was a bad thing or a good thing. "You've made a mess soldier," his own vent sputtered, "clean it up."

He hesitated to move, his arms slowly rose to - "No hands!" He bellowed, making Prowl wince. He went about using his glossa instead, attempting to lap at the messy goo that had dribbles down from his mouth. His glossa could only reach so far, only making it a little passed his chin. "Good," his officer came down onto Prowl, taking Prowl's jaw with his hand. "You'll do just fine if continue being a good, obedient soldier," he cooed, "but, you must finish your punishment," his optics turned to daggers, silently pointing to the boxes of donuts.


Prowl felt like his tanks were twisting but he couldn't do a thing about it because another thick jelly filled was pushed into his mouth. Sadly enough for him, they did taste good, but the sugar was for sure going to make him fat. Even with that in mind, he swallowed.

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