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Kendell POV
I woke up with Hunters chest.I kissed Hunters cheek and he woke up."Morning sis" he said morning bro.We both got up and whent down stairs. Good morning mama Rowland "Morning sweety.I already think of her as my mom.Ashton is so cute."Kendell" he said yes "I already love you like a sister" Ashton said.That made me tear up, oh I already love you like a brother come here.He came and I hugged him right.I have not talked to Brandon yet, and not planning to.When I was eating breakfast all Brandon did was stair at me.I just shook it off and got ready for the day.I whent  and took a shower.

Brandon POV
Kendell has not talked me yet and I'm getting really sad.She has been spending alot with Hunter.I know they love eachother like brother and sister but really dont spend that much time.I have been stairing at her alot.When she looks at me all she does is give me those sad eyes.Its been killing me and I cant take it anymore.

Hunter POV
I feel bad that Kendell and Brandon dont talk anymore. Brandon told me that the girl that kissed him did it on porpoise.I have to tell Kendell but if I do, she will think I am lying.I have to take a chance or they will never talk.

Kendell POV
I was done getting dress when I here a knock on my door."Hey sis can I talk to you?" Hunter said.yes of course "You see ummm....Brandon told me what really happened with that girl" he said ummm okay tell." see she kissed him so it would look like Brandon cheated, the girl was working for Jacob" OMG are you serious."Yes" okay thanks for telling me.I ran down stairs to see Brandon opening the door.

Brandon POV
I was going to go on a walk when someone started to kiss me.It was Kendell kissing me."I  so sorry I did not let tou talk Hunter told me everything and I feel so stupid can you..." I cut her off by kissing her again.Yes I forgive you now stop talking so much.Okay will you Kendell skye be my wonderful beautiful girlfriend again."Yes".

Aww that was so cute

LOVE YOU -Brandon RowlandWhere stories live. Discover now