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Jennie, Rose and Jisoo are in Heaven
Their own sense of paradise
A place where they can do what they love

It doesn't have to be beautiful
It doesn't have to make sense
It just has to make them happy
But one thing heaven doesn't have is lisa

Until she chose to enter the crossroad
A bridge between life and death
The place where she is given a glimpse of her own paradise
Being with her friends again
As happy as they are to be together again

As much fun as it is on the crossroad
It can't last forever
A choice has to be made
To be with them, she has to take a step into the dark (black)
In order to get into the light
Or back to reality where bad things can happen
Or where the best things did happen

But she makes the choice that is best for her
To join them in Heaven,
Without her, it's not paradise (shows a picture where there's a man behind lisa that symbolism of heaven. Angel)
Without them, life isn't worth living

Please do watch this :

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