Chapter 3

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Sky woke as Hawk rolled away to get up, he glanced over his shoulder and smiled when he saw she was awake. 

 "Get up and cook something for us to eat." he told her. 

 Sky sat up and pulled the edges of the tattered shirt together; Hawk was watching and eyed the soft curves of her breasts that showed above where she held the material together.

"You better go put your dress on or you might be a distraction," he told her. 

Sky hurried to the bathroom and gladly changed into the red dress. Ignoring her need to go to the toilet she went to the kitchen to look for something to cook. The front door stood ajar and she walked to it uneasily. There was no one in sight outside and she poked her head out cautiously to look around. There was nothing to see but several other small buildings and a narrow dusty road. Realising this could well be a trap to catch her attempting to run away and the fact she had no idea where she was caused Sky to sigh softly then step back inside and go back to the pantry. Breakfast would just have to be scrambled eggs and toast. 

Annoyed mutterings approached the door and Hawk cursed angrily. "You didn't lock the God damned door, now I'm going to have to go track her down." he snapped angrily. 

"I thought the door shut behind me. Look I'll help you; she can't have got too far. We were only outside twenty minutes at the most." Jake apologised, he swung the door wide open and both men stopped as they smelt the cooked food and saw Sky standing by the stove. 

 "I could only find eggs and bread," she said softly. Hawk came over and looked at the food and nodded. 

 "Can I go to the toilet?" She whispered uneasily. 

 Hawk glanced at the door then back at her. "Go on then. Then you can come have some of this. We'll have to go get more food at one of nearby towns." Hawk said. He watched as she hurried off to the bathroom and turned his head to look at Jake.

"You take her and your just asking for trouble." Jake warned. "Her picture would be circulated by now for sure, and that dress will stand out a mile." 

Hawk merely shrugged and helped himself to some breakfast. Jake grabbed a plate and dished out his share and watched amused as Hawk dished up the left overs on a plate for Sky. 

 "You'll spoil her." Jake warned. 

 "No, she can clean up." Hawk declared and looked up as Sky came back into the room. She sat down where he motioned and began eating when the men dug in hungrily. 

With breakfast finished Hawk disappeared into the bedroom and reappeared shortly with an arm full of jeans and a couple of t-shirts. He tossed a pair of worn denim jeans at her and a large t-shirt. "Try them on." He ordered. 

 Sky glanced at him then pulled the jeans on resignedly. They were a bit too big but Hawk used a length of string to tie them around her waist. He pulled the

dress off over her head before she could object and tossed her a loose shirt, he shook his head in dissatisfaction and tore another shirt into strips. He gripped her shoulder and pulled her to him roughly. 

"Take the shirt off," he ordered. Knowing it was useless to fight him she complied and he quickly bound her breasts tightly. 

 "That hurts!" she complained but he caught her hands when she would have pulled at the strips of cloth. 

 "You want to come with me?" he asked roughly. Sky nodded and looked at his face trying to read his intentions. He pulled the t-shirt down over her head and studied the effect of the bindings. Except for the long hair and soft face she would nearly pass for a boy if people didn't look close. 

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