The Fairies of The Dawn

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'Such a nice book' . I thought, smiling to myself .....

Today when the Lutts  where making me clean their small store room, I found this book called 'The Fairies Of The Dawn' .....

It say's it's a true story  that fairies , called ' Fairies Of The Dawn ' ,take away kind and courageous people , who are leading an unbearable miserable life to heaven....and that they come on the dawn after the night of the full moon....

Well...I'm kind and courageous . I've been leading a miserable life for years! Will they take me ?

'Huh! Only if they are true!'.......


"Wake up Lucy !! Wake up!!!!" My aunts screeched as usual , barking...early in the morning.

" I'm up!!!" I said, politely, yawning....and getting up from my ' bed ' which was a counter...

"There's no time for getting up like a princess!!!" She barked again, her hands on her waist..

I was just getting out from my small counter, when my aunt walked towards me, pulled my hair hard. I shouted out in pain and she dropped me to the  floor , then left by closing my door with a loud thud . I sat on the floor , crying. My life has always been like this. 13 years ago, my parents died on a car accident and now, I'm living with my cruel aunt and her family. They never treated me right. They give me clothes which are old, worn by my fat cousin sister , Delilah . They are too huge for me as I'm really thin. But Delilah is as much old as I am..They gave me a small cupboard to live in. And I sleep on the counter of the cupboard which was too small, even for a thin person like me. I had to stay stiff for the whole night for which my back always ached .

I wiped the rolling tears from the face, got up and went towards my small dark washroom beside the cupboard.

I closed the door behind me and turned on the dim lights, which flickered continuosly...

My eyes fell on the dusty mirror, where I got to see my face...

I was a white pale and frail looking girl, with long black hair. I had little bit dark circles around my eyes . My eyes were electric grey and I was very thin. My grandma always used to tell me secretly that I'd be a beautiful young lady when I grew up and that Delilah would be like a pig . I always laughed at her words. My aunt and her family use to treat me a little bit better back then...but now that grandma life fully turned into hell !

I snapped out of my old life's thought as I heard a loud bang on the door...

" Hey! get out of the washroom you lil dirty brat  ! You have to cook food!!!" My uncle screamed from the other side of the door.

" I'm com-ming!" I stuttered in fear. My uncle is a mad-man! He always came this late at night, from outside , drunk and creeps  into my room and starts beating me hard. And once...he just tried doing  something to me that disgusted me! I just can't forget that day! I shrugged that thought away, and got out from the washroom . And I started my usual routine...

I went towards the kitchen, opened the kitchen shelf and took out flour and baking powder .

I opened the fridge and took out eggs, milk, butter , bacon,sausages , bread, lettuce , vanilla essence, tomato and mayonesse .

Breakfast was to cook  eggs , bacon , sausages , sandwich and pan-cake .

Yes, I know the menu was too big but that's how that  family eats. Like pigs and herd of elephants ! All of them are fat! Specially Delilah then my fat aunt and uncle. Delilah is so fat that she can't even walk properly and she has extra meat on every part of her body! And so has my uncle and aunt.

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