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a gentle feeling of fondness or liking.


It had been around two days since Taehyung's pleasant encounter with Jungkook. Though it didn't last long, and their exchange in words were few and far between, he enjoyed the time he'd spent there. Something about the young boys hospitality had warmed Taehyung's heart, made him feel kind of wanted and a little special. But that was something he'd never be willing to admit out loud, especially since he was only an acquaintance of Jungkook. It would seem rather bizarre if he just suddenly admitted those thoughts. Taehyung probably wouldn't have the chance anyway, since their paths hadn't crossed since.

Now, it was around 3am and Taehyung was back to square one. High on whatever drug it was he'd let melt on his tongue just hours before. Only this time, something really wasn't right. He wasn't sat in his usual place at the diner, waiting to encounter Jungkook. Instead, he was laid barely conscious at a quiet roadside, head buried in a drain grill as he felt his stomach topple inside of him. He ran a very hot fever, sweat slick skin chaffing against tight clothes. Taehyung's movements were definitely feverish, his eyes tried to focus and make sense of his surroundings, but he'd wandered too far out of his own limits and nothing made sense anymore.

Several seconds, minutes, maybe even hours passed before the helpless boy saw two very blurry feet approaching him rather quickly. The speed in those steps were almost urgent, and they were followed by a voice of pure fright calling out his name.

"Taehyung?!" The voice was right in his ear, yet it sounded so muffled as he tried to look up at the distorted face hanging over him. Soft hands curled around his cheeks, he tried so hard to recognise this person, but his brain just refused to give him the answer he was sifting for.

"Hold on, I'm taking you home." The voice seemed calm, though there was a slight hint of deep concern hiding behind that façade. The next thing Taehyung felt before blacking out completely, was the lightness of being lifted up and away from the concrete. After that... everything went dark.

Taehyung sat bolt upright in a soft bed, wrapped up in a delicately smooth duvet. His breath was laboured, eyes darting around haphazardly as he tried so hard to recognise his surroundings. He ran a shaking hand backwards through his damp hair, skin cold but sweat ran down his forehead. It was a long moment until he finally realised he'd somehow ended up in Jungkook's bedroom, relief was surging through him, but his stomach tumbled and turned and his hand quickly grasped over his lips.

"Thank god you're awake." The same warm voice he'd heard earlier spoke from his left hand side. Taehyung turned his head to find the young boy in the doorway, hair all in disarray, looking like it had been tugged and torn out from stress. It was Jungkook.

"You scared the living daylight out of me." Jungkook muttered again, sweeping in to sit at the foot of them bed.

Taehyung's heart was beating out of his ribcage, almost like a war drum booming into the air. "How... when-" He just couldn't form words, alarm was still in the back of his mind. Just what state had he managed to get himself into?

"I found you lying practically out of it at the side of the road." Jungkook answered his half asked question. "The hospital would've been a better place to take you, but they probably would've found out why you were in such a terrible state." He finished, reaching out to press a palm to Taehyung's forehead.

He momentarily flinched away, but relaxed when he felt the soft skin press tenderly to his own. His body felt so out of kilter, skin hot but cold, insides twisting and telling him he needed to stop - stop before it would be too late.

Jungkook sighed, pulling his hand away quicker than he had placed it there. "You've got a fever," He stated, looking the other in the eye. "You also threw up in my bathroom, but you were barely conscious... so I'm going to forgive you." He tried hard to lighten the relatively damp mood with a crooked smile.

"I'm so sorry." Taehyung managed to utter, voice crackling a bit. He was frightened and felt so incredibly guilty for what he did. Thinking perhaps he was far too much of a nuisance, that Jungkook's life would be much simpler if he weren't there to cause mess and trouble. "How do you always manage to be there... every time I'm in a mess?" He mused out loud, eyes drifted long downward into his lap.

The next thing he knew, the boys arms had snaked around his waist and pulled him in for a hug.

His eyes widened, body going a little stiff, yet he didn't reject the comfort circling his currently weak form. It was pleasant and secure, but he was to shocked to even return the gesture.

"Just don't do that again, please." Jungkook murmured, chin resting upon Taehyung's slumped shoulder. "I've grown quite fond of you, it'd be a shame if something happened." His sincere words whispered into the air, making Taehyung shudder.

Finally, he too lifted his arms up and flung them over Jungkook's shoulders almost without thinking. His face buried into the space between his neck and shoulders, breathing in the homely smell on the boys clothing. "I won't," He said. "I promise."

After a short while, Jungkook pulled away, feeling rather surprised when Taehyung didn't let go straight away.

"Uh... you should get cleaned up. I'll make you something to eat." He nodded and stood up, swiftly making his way out of the room. Stopping at the doorway, he turned his head slightly. "You remember where everything is, right?" He asked in a mumble.

"Yeah." Taehyung said nothing more than that, feeling quite embarrassed by his behaviour. He watched Jungkook disappear around the corner and sighed, not knowing whether to smile or cry.


A/N - Oh my gosh, hi guys! It's been a very long time, I know and I'm very sorry. But here is another long awaited chapter from me~ I'll explain while I was away for so long another time, but please, enjoy!

~Maria xo

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