Chapter 1

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I tugged at the floofy yellow dress I had to wear as uniform before putting another pocky stick in my mouth nibbling at it as I walked shyly down the halls. I'm 17, almost 18, but most people find that hard to believe. I can't blame them though, I am 4'9 1/3. Don't forget the 1/3, I'm almost 4'10.

I shuffled to my assigned locker and opened it, I placed my books inside and took my bunny sweater from my bag, it was cold in here. I buttoned it up and pulled the hood over my head, I pulled out another pocky stick.

"Who's that?"

"She's new."

"Of course she's new."

"Is she supposed to be here? Maybe she mixed up the elementary school with here."

"She opened a locker, she's in the right place."

"Maybe it's another Haninozuka thing, you know how short he is."

"Ah, maybe they'd make good friends..."

"She does look like Usa-chan!~"

"Omigod! She does! With that sweater!~"


Then lots of squeals.

Who's Usa-chan? And how do I look like them because of my sweater? And what are they shipping? Why? To where? I'm confused.

I shuffled toward my class, gaze on the ground and thoughts still on Usa-chan. Who is Usa-chan? Do they have the same sweater as me? No way, nan-nan made this for me. Unless... Nan-nan made it for someone else too?! I stepped into my class. Class 3A. I shuffled inside and looked around, not sure where to sit. I gulped awkwardly and nervously shifted on my feet. I tugged at the bottom of my sweater, my eyes shifted around the room. Everyone was talking among each other, laughing and some were shouting. Too loud. I cautiously stepped out of the room, only to bump into someone, someone tall.

"Oof-!" I fell back, laughter started and I looked up to see them laughing at me.

Tears gathered at my eyes and I sniffled, tugging my hood farther down my face. "S- sorry, mister..." I sniffled again, slowly standing.

The tall person grunted. Is it a girl? I just assumed it was a guy... I glanced up and looked at the person, my hood shifting itself back. He's a guy, okay, okay, I was right. I rubbed at the tears in my eyes. His eyes widened slightly before the bell rang and he moved around me. Everyone went to sit down, leaving me at the front, by the door, staring at them with wide eyes. The teacher walked in only a second after everyone say down.

He glanced at me. "You must be Shihiro Conetino."

I nodded. "Cotton."

"Pardon?" he rose an eye brow.

"You can call me Cotton..." I mumbled, glancing up at him and then at my toes.

The teacher sighed. "Miss Conetino, please sit next to Wishina-san."

A girl rose her hand in a wave. I nodded with a sigh and shuffled up to her, someone stuck out their foot. I stepped over it and stepped harshly on their shin, making it seem like an accident, I stumbled and the person grunt in pain. I looked at a boy with hair in the middle of brown and red.

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