Chapter 19

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*Cotton's POV*

I'm so hungry... I tried to see if the food that papa threw was edible but it's covered in black stuff now. I hugged my knees to my chest, the whole floor is super dirty, so now my dress for school is dirty and hands and my face. I wanna take a bath.

I stared at the door tiredly, my eyes are drooping. If I go to sleep... I won't remember I'm hungry, right?

Suddenly the basement door slammed open and I scooted into my corner, cowering. Mama rushed in, her head was bleeding.

"C'mon, c'mon," she urged me, grabbing me by the arm and pulling me up.

"M—mama?" My voice came out as a croak.

"We have to hurry, he won't be gone for long,"

"Mama... you're bleeding..."

"It's fine, I just need you to go far away okay?"

"Mama what abou—"

"Go far away, to— to— just get out of Japan completely,"

"But mama... what about you?"

"Your father will be fine once you're out of our hair... trust me, without you around to care for and worry about, he'll be a lot calmer,"

"Y—you want to get rid of me?"

"Oh baby..." she put her hands on my shoulders and gave me a gentle look. "We've been wanting to get rid of you since we first changed your diaper,"

My eyes widened as tears slowly began falling down my cheeks. Then slow became rapid as I ripped myself from her grip and shoved her back.

"Then why didn't you?!" I shouted. "I know I'm adopted! I know I'm a Haninozuka by blood! Why didn't you just leave me with them?! Or better yet! Why didn't you just kill me!?"

She looked taken aback, mouth opening and closing like a fish.

I wiped at my tears. "Trust me Mama, you won't ever see me again,"

She took a deep breath. "Good,"

I turned away and walked down the street. I didn't care about how dirty I was, or about the tears streaking my grease stained face. I just wanted to walk away.

I don't know how long I walked until I reached the dojo and paused. "Umehito..." I mumbled and then I kept walking, towards school.

It's late but he's usually there late. The ritual is tomorrow, and I plan to be the sacrifice instead of Raiden. Being in that basement made me think a lot and if it was my idea to bring her back then I'm the one who should die for it, not someone else.

I stumbled onto school grounds, my body felt numb and weak. I've learned to ignore the bubbles in my stomach, focusing on one foot in front of the other. I walked through the empty halls, no one's usually here this late. Then I reached the black magic club and walked in.

I spotted several familiar faces, all ready to walk out. I tilted my head tiredly.

"What are you all doing in here?"

Tamaki jumped back in shock. Suddenly I was in someone's arms.

"I was so worried, Cotton!"

"Hanna-Chan.... I'm alright..."

She let me go and looked in my eyes, searching for something, then she looked over my clothes. "Oh Cotton... you're a mess,"

I looked down. "Yeah... I don't know what the black stuff is,"

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