Date : Nanashima

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Your POV

I stretch my sore muscles as I walk next to Seri-Chan.

"So, who's the first one?", I ask.

We were walking towards the movie theater, ready for the first date.

"Seri-Chan?", I ask, turning to look at her.

She's staring at me with a blush covering her cheeks. I raise an eyebrow.

"What?", I ask.

"Y-You have glasses..", she says.

"Oh, well, yeah. I usually wear contact lenses, but I stayed up late last night playing this new game I got and in the morning I was too tired to put them on..", I say.

"I-I see.", she says.

"Serinuma!", a guy yells from the movie theater.

It's the guy from our school, he's always really bad mannered and usually always made fun of Seri-Chan for being fat. My eyes widen and I freeze in place for a moment.

"I know, he looks exactly like Shion.", Seri-Chan says.

I immediately run towards him as fast as I can, leaving a trail of smoke behind me. His eyes widen and he covers his head with his arms, also lifting his leg up to protect himself. I stop right in front of him as the wind blow[job]s his hair and clothes a little. He slowly opens his eyes to look at me, blushing a little. I take his hands away from his face before I grab both of his cheeks and leaning closer, examining his face more carefully. My eyes widen.

"H-Hey.. W-What are you doing?", he asks.

"Seri-Chan! He could cosplay as Shion!", I yell as she walks towards us.

She gasps, immediately running towards us.

"He could!", she says, looking all sparkly.

"W-What are you talking about?", the guy asks.

"It's this character, he looks like you.", I explain.

He nods, still a bit confused I think. Oh well.

"Where are we going?", I ask.

The guy clears his throat and I slap my forehead before chuckling.

"Oh yeah, I forgot, my name is [L/N] [M/N].", I say, bowing slightly.

"I'm Nanashima Nozomu.", he says, still blushing a little.

I stand straight again and take a step closer.

"You know, you're really cute..", I say.

His eyes widen slightly and he averts his gaze from me.

"S-Shut up..", he says.

Seri-Chan squeals and I chuckle.

"Well, where are we going?", I ask.

~ > Time Skip Brought To You By Me Being A Fucking Idiot, Writing Gay Shit In Chemistry Class Which I'm Close To Failing I Swear To God I Got A 4- On A Test Last Year.. And The Lowest Grade Possible Is 4 < ~

We went to the movies, but Nanashima fell asleep... He rests his head on my shoulder and I chuckle. I glance at Seri-Chan to see her staring at us intensely. I chuckle again and kiss Nanashima's forehead causing Seri-Chan to let out a muffled screech. I laugh quietly and she leans closer to my ear.

"I-If you kiss will you let me take a picture?", she asks.

I snort.

"I doubt he'll want to kiss me, but sure.", I say.

I can feel Nanashima shift in place a little so I turn to look at him. He's blushing again, how cute. I chuckle.

"You fell asleep.", I say, smiling.

I pet his head causing him to sit straight quickly. I chuckle and he blushes more.

"You're really really cute you know.", I say quietly.

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