the new girl

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I walk threw the doors of my new school, Woodlyn high ready for anything that comes my way, well that's how I looked at least. On the inside I'm nervous as hell. My hands are sweaty and my heart is beating a million times a minute. I have no idea where to go. Different people surround me and I feel as though I'm sticking out too much. With my bone straight red hair, my wing eyeliner, and fake lashes. Or it might be the purple lipstick that's getting me all of these stares from people. Boys and girls. I look back not noticing I passed the main office already and turn around only to bump into a hard surface dropping all of my books onto the floor.
     "Shit" I curse at myself before bending down not looking up to see what I'd bumped into. I hit my head hard on something again! Im pissed now!
"What the fuck" I hiss out loud and get up finally looking up only to look up into the most beautiful green eyes. He was gorgeous! Tall handsome. With the most beautiful, glowing brown, skin I'd ever seen. I was too mesmerized by his glowing eyes to notice his lips were moving.
"Miss" he repeats for probably the hundredth time.
My mouth went dry and I felt like I couldn't move.
"Oh I'm so sorry!" I apologize when I notice he was handing me my books and finally snap out of the trance he'd put me in.
"It's ok beautiful" he says in the most angelic ascent I'd ever heard.
"And who might u be" he asked "I've never seen u here before. U must be new"
"Yes! Hey I'm Anastasia. I AM new here actually. I'm from Ohio" I respond

"An Ohio girl,  huh?" He says with a rough laugh.
"And what made you come here of all places in the world?" He ask with obvious curiosity. 
"Well my dad sent me here to stay with my uncle so.... Here I am... " I answer nervously. 
"Well I would be glad to show you around beautiful." He says smiling that captivating smile once again. 
"So where are we headed?"
I smile and tell him I need to go to the main office to get my schedule. As we walk towards the office,  I notice I'm getting a lot more stares than before and I start to get a little nervous... Ok maybe a lot. My palms started to sweat and my head began to spin. I looked his way only to see him unbothered by it so I leveled out my breathing and tried to ignore it too.  Once we finally made it safely to the office he opened the door motioning for me to enter first.  I walked up to the desk to be greeted by an older white lady with grey almost white hair and the most ridiculous glasses sitting on her nose.  She smiled a warm smile at me and asked what she could help me with. 
"Hi, I'm Anastasia Welming. I just need my schedule."
" Oh,  Ms. Welming!  We've been expecting you. Wait here just a second." She says walking away and typing something into her computer before looking in a big drawer next to her and pulling out my schedule.
"Here you are."  She says smiling "Have an awsome day sweetheart."
I smile and thank her taking my schedule and exiting the office with hottie on my heels. 
"So, Anastasia" he calls "That's a gorgeous name for a beautiful girl."  He says smiling. The way he says my name makes my knees go weak! 
"Thanks." I say blushing,  pushing my hair behind my ear.  He laughs at my gester and grabs my schedule from my hands. 
"We have the same first bell." He says excitedly.  "Come on.  I can't wait to introduce u to Mr. Hershner,  he's the music teacher. " he confirms.  "Come on before we're late." 
"Ok" I whisper. 
As we approach the classroom I feel my stomach tighten up.  We walk in to be greeted by a big group of wild students.  Everyone is all over the place.  Laughing, cracking jokes, dancing, rap battles.  Where on earth is the teacher!
I slwoly take a seat while hottie goes off to a group of students.  I watch as he daps everyone and then turns and points to me. I quickly put my head down. God I didn't want him to know i was paying him any attention!  I take my phone out to distract me. 
"Ana" I feel someone tapping my shoulder.  I look up to see handsome staring down at me with that beautiful smile of his.
"Yes?" I ask in the sweetest voice I could muster. 
"I wanted to introduce u to some people. " I hadn't noticed the other people standing around me.
One guy who is tall and kind of resembles Mr. Handsome sticks his hand out. 
"Hey I'm Charlie. " he speeks with that same deep accent.
" Hi" I wave shyly to him.
" Hey, love I'm Amber" says a small petite girl with red hair.
" I'm Eric" A stern yet soft voice says from behind Amber.
"Hey" I wave ounce again blushing. That's one thing I hated about myself,  I'm ALWAYS shy!
Soon were all engaged in small conversations. I learned that Charlie is in fact Mr. Handsome's brother.  Amber and Eric have been together since freshman year and are expecting a baby soon. They're adopting. They are so freaking cute! I like everyone I've met so far they seem really cool but I know not to get too close to anyone.

I'm half way there.....Right?Where stories live. Discover now