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The sound of footsteps rings out across the square. If you are quiet, you can hear the squeak of a sneaker soaked through, and the soft whimpering of a baby. There is no light to see by, only the senses to guide you. All of your senses will tell you to leave.

Just then a light flickers on pointing upwards. In the light there is a women's face, her dark auburn hair sweeping across her face, covering her features. The child coos with delight at the light, no longer scared of the dark. Her mother pulls her baby closer before another figure comes in and takes the light. It shines on his face too, revealing a sparkling green eye, long blonde eyelashes curled away. The mother puts a finger over the babies lips, telling her to be quite. Although the child can't understand, this quiets her, and it's completely silent, for just a moment.

"You know we could get caught." The man says quietly. The women tries to shush him, but he continues anyways. "We could die."

"But is there another option?"


"We're going to die and some point anyways. Soon; they're catching up to us." He does not have a response to this. The light shifts downwards as their lips softly touch.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"I just wish our daughter would know our names." The man whispers. "Know what we are."

"Don't think like that." She puts her hand under his chin, and drags it up to meet her eyes.

"We are going to live."

"We are going to live." The light flickers out, and they keep walking, their footsteps fading away. All is quiet, and all is calm once more.

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