chapter 2

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After shopping for over 2 hours Leona and I were on our way back to her house to get ready for the party. I got a few new outfits but Leona got a lot more. I mean a lot more. Like 13 bags. Anyways we pulled up to her house and dragged all the bags into her house. Her house is huge.

"Hello girls" greeted Leona's mom Rachel. " How are you Rianna? Long time no see " She  said coming over to hug me.

"Hi Ms. Marren. I'm good thanks for asking". Leona's mum was always like a proper mum to me. Whenever I had a problem I would talk to her about it. She was lovely.

"How many times have I told you to call me Rachel?" she said.

" Sorry Rachel" I said laughing.

" Is it ok if I go to a party tonight mum?". Asked Leo.

"Depends". she said. "Whose party?".

"Just one of the people I work with"

"Fine". She sighed "But be home before midnight".

"Deal. Thanks mum" squealed Leo grabbing my arm and dragging me upstairs.

"Your mum is so nice" I said.

"Yeah when she's happy but when she's angry she's scary as shit!" She laughed. "Which dress do you want to wear?".

"Um probably the black one with the black heels" I said looking through some bags trying to find it.

"Yeah I love that one. What way are you doing your hair?"

'Probably just curl it" I  said. "What are you wearing?"

" I think I'll wear the red dress with black heels" . She said pulling it out of a bag. "Can I do your make-up?".

"Fine but not too much" I said

"Yay!" Now sit" she demanded.

After about an  hour of her doing my make-up and hair she was finally done.

'Now you can look" she said turning around the chair so I could finally see what I looked like.

"Oh my god!" I said. I actually looked nice. She did my eyes up all smokey and I had bright red lipstick.

"You like it?" She asked

"I love it!" I said

"You look amazing. Now go change into your dress" She said throwing it at me and pushing me into the bathroom. The dress was beautiful and it fit perfectly. When I was finished changing and left the bathroom Leona was sitting in front of the mirror doing her make-up.

"I left some gold bracelets on the bed to cover your scars" she said. Leona  was the only one who knew about me cutting. She begged me to stop but I just can't. I grabbed the bracelets off the bed and put them on. I grabbed my new heels aswell and threw them on. Leona was ready now so we wen't downstairs and said goodbye to Leona's mum. We got into Leona's car and headed for the party.

"Have you met any of Harry's friends yet?" I asked breaking the silence.

"Yeah I've met one of his friends. His name's Liam .He's so nice and his girlfriend Tianna is lovely aswell. They'll probably be here tonight". she said.

We were about a block away from  the party and you could here the music already.

"This neighbourhood seems so nice" I said sarcastically. There were drunk kids that were only about 12 jumping off a wall. There was a lot of  run down houses aswell.

"Oh shut up and stop complaining" She said. "Were here".

'Great" I mumbled.

"Come on Ri" said

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2014 ⏰

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