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As he drifts on to the next girl, like a cloud in to a new sky, I begin to cry. A tear falls like a raindrop falling on a sunny day. I can't explain exactly what is was that made me feel so special. I suppose this is how all the girls feel after they meet him. I suppose he makes everybody feel special. It's his job, isn't it?

I never got a picture. I never got an autograph. Normally, I would be beating myself up over this, but this time was different. I didn't need a picture or a signed cd to remember this day. to remember this day forever.

I begin to walk back to my car. My head is down and my hair is covering my face once again. I'm so confused. It feels almost as if I'm trapped in dream which I can't awake from. To see that tear roll down his cheek was almost as if I was watching my own child head out to war. It was heartbreaking. But at the same time, I felt almost happy. It was nice to have somebody there who actually cared, even if they'll only remember my face for five minutes before returning to reality. But something was telling me that this was thestart of something. This wasn't the end.

As I turn the keys in my car, it hits me. The memories of Harry touching my skin comes back. The look of complete sadness that was once painted so beautifully on his face returns to my mind. I match voices with faces and sounds with objects and I have this story in my mind. And this story is my life, or this small scene from my life. It's on repeat. And I can't just pause it. I can't just pause and think. The memories are flooding my brain and I'm lost in these thoughts only to realize that somebody is behind me. Somebody is standing outside of my car door.

He's got dark curly hair, and these blue green eyes, the color of the sea. As I take a closer look, I know exactly who I am staring at. His name is Harry. And he's exactly who I've been waiting for all my life.

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