Sans the skeleton

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Frisk's POV:
We walked down a long purple hallway which lead to a tall door. My face expression showed I was worried. We reach the door and stood there for about, six seconds. Toriel hesitantly turned around. It hurt to see her like this. "Behind this door, lead to the rest of the underground, I understand you have a family back on the surface." When she mentioned family, my heart broke in two. I didn't show it. I had no family, I had been a foster child for along time. After my sister died, I had been sent to the orphanage. The people who killed my 7 year old sister, where my adoptive parents, after my biological parents died. I don't want to go back to the surface.
Next thing I know I'm walking out the two doors. I felt sadness and happiness fill my soul. I was free, but yet I was separated from my mom.
   I walked down another long corridor and walked through another pair of doors. I was soon greeted by a gush of cold air. I had a turtle neck and boots. I was also wearing shorts and the turtle neck was pretty thin.
  I walked through the snow and stumbled upon and branch. I attempted to pick it up but failed. I huffed, and proceeded till I reach a bridge with a weird looking fence.
"Don't you know how to great a new pal?"
   "Turn around and shake my hand." A dark voice spoke behind me. I hesitated before turning around to see a shadowed figure sticking his hand out in front of him. I hesitated before I placed my hand in his.
Then I heard a fart noise. I looked up, and he became clear. Standing in front of me was a skeleton as tall as me, wearing black basketball shorts with a white stripe going down the sides of each pant leg, and a blue sweater with fluff over the hood, on top of a white t-shirt.
   He chuckled, "the old woopie-cushion in the hand trick!" I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "Anyway, your a human right? That's hilarious!" I smiled and he continued."I'm Sans, Sans the Skeleton, what's your name?"
   "I'm frisk!" I answered politely.

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