SJs a criminal

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So this is just an idea i had.
Blake:* walks by and shocked to see SJ pointing his gun at a man* SJ
SJ:* sees Blake * Blake
Blake: * steps back and is scared *
Man:* runs away *
SJ: Blake it's not what it looks like
Blake: u were about to kill someone why?
SJ: i I can't explain
Blake: SJ why won't u tell me?
SJ: it's hard to explain
Blake: why?
SJ: i was doing it for us
Blake: what?
SJ: i was going to kill that person cause i know about adam and he was working with him so I didn't want to lose u so I decided to end it
Blake: how did u know?
SJ: I looked at ur files just to keep u safe
Blake: SJ u don't have to worry about me I'll be fine i got the others to help
SJ: i know but i just worry
Blake: i do too about u and me together but everything is going to be ok
SJ: i know
Blake:* walks to SJ * i love u SJ
SJ: i love u too blakie
SJ: sorry it's just a nickname i came up with
Blake: it's ok i like it when u call me that
SJ: really? So do u have a nickname for me?
Blake: hmm ohh how about panther
SJ: panther?
Blake: ya cause ur a black cat and u always hide and protect people
SJ: i like it
Blake: thanks
SJ:* leans in and kisses Blake *
Blake:* kisses back*
SJ: so for now on I'll call u blakie and u call me panther
Blake:* laughs* ya
( to be continued )
Song: criminal
An: awww so cute a neko couple

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