The Game Show (TGS)

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RD:Hello everypony! Today we are continuing pee your pants

TS:Not again

FS:I'm um....-

PP:You all me get some the f***ing words

RD:Well you are!

PP:I'm gonna read the dare. It's from Rose Luck, And she says I dare Twilight to eat a f***king 1000000000000000000000000000000000000ⁿ0000000ⁿ000000ⁿ000000000000000000000000000000000000000 cakes for this chapter noob (sorry not sorry). (no fat burner potions allowed)

TS:Gajillions of cakes? Oh! I got an idea! *Grabs pretend eating cake potion*Im sma-

RD:You mean small?

TS:I'm gonna drink it*drinks*

AJ:Let's get outta here before we came late! You'll all be left like a bouncing ball Apple

Twenty Six minuets later.....,....

AJ:Hello everypony! Our first contestant is Fluttershy! *Whispers to Flutters* sing wrecking ball

FS:I came like a wrecking ball I know it's so hard to love,I only did it was, Wre-e-e-eck me, oh yeah you Wre-e-e-eck me! *Pants rip them peed* aaaaaaaaaaaaa! COLD COLD COLD! I PEED!

AJ:So, Did she pee her pants?

Everypony except aj and FS:YEEEEES! *throws tomatoes* YOU FAILED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AJ:Rainbow Dash.....! *Whispers to Rainbow* I dare you to beat some Pony but only one pony unless you did not go to jail in pony ville

RD:Who wants to get beat up here on stage???

Pony 1:I do!

RD:What's your name first?

Pony 1:Sparkle Dust


SD: Here

RD:*cracks neck* warm up or no need to talk?

Sparkle Dust:no need to talk

AJ:*whispers to Rainbow* PRANK HER

RD:Hahahahhahah! Your thinking that I'm gonna beat you up? NOW GET BACK TO YOUR SEAT

AJ:Ok next we will do 'FIVE NIGHTS AT PINKIE'S'! Make sure at the end that you said who peed her pants alright?

Ten minuets later

FS:s-stay in the office,Pinkie might be anywhere

PP:Anywhere? I'm everywhere?

TS:I ran out of battery,So it means Im dead!!

After the game...

AJ:So,Who peed her pants?

Everypony except aj and the mane six:All! Except Dash

RD:I'm cool (deal with it)


RD:Hi! Everybody! I pronounce it wrong.     Number One bloop

AJ:Who peed he- I mean who peed her pants?! XD

Sorry,I can't make the creator make some painful hands or hooves,See you again! Readers!

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