Justin's depression has gotten worst through out these 2 years since he experienced two deaths that he thinks is his fault, to get himself out of everything he just fucks girls to get his mind off of everything. The face of his girlfriend Doeneseya...
Boom! Boom! Boom! The sound of the first floor door being kicked down woke Justin out if his deep sleep. He quickly got up going for his gun in his dresser. He quickly put on his black sweats. He peeked out from behind the curtain of the bedroom window and saw jackets with huge lettering- FBI, ATF, DEA- and unmarked squad cars stationed in front of the three family house and in the middle of the street.
"Fuck." He harshly whispered to himself.
Justin's adrenaline rushed through his veins and he fought to remain calm as the sounds of steel-toed boot-wearing police rushing up the stairs grew closer.
Before he could rush out the door, his bedroom door damn near flew off its agents pushed their way into the bedroom, screaming.
"On the floor! On the floor, now! Let me see your hands! Get down!"
Justin knee the routine all to well. Most of his life he had heard these orders.
Justin raised his arms in the air, his hands in clear view.
"Drop the weapon!" The bald officer, getting on his knees Justin did as told, tossing the metal to the side as it slid on the floor.
"Put your hands behind your head!" He ordered watching as Justin slowly put his hands behind his head, turning to show the officers that he didn't want any problems, a cop taking hold of his arms and slamming him down to the ground, his cheek pressed up against the floor, a knee holding him down while they placed a pair of hand cuffs around his wrists.
"You have a right to remain silent. Anything you say or do will be held against you in the court of law..."
The agents began searching-more like destroying the room that Doeneseya made over. They went from room to room ransacking the house, flipping over furniture, emptied out drawers, snatched clothes out of the closets, tossed papers around and dishes out of the cabinets. In a few short minutes it looked as if a tornado had struck. He's glad that the rest of the group had went out to find more information about Edward and his crew.
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Furrowing his eyebrows, West watched as their local news reporter came on, papers in hand, a stern look on her face. "We interrupt this program to inform you all that it was brought to our attention just moments before that local gangster Justin Bieber," A headshot of Justin was zoomed into the screen, "was brought into custody this evening on murder charges against Selena Gomez." A headshot of Selena was now zoomed in and then plastered next to Justin's. "For further information on the incident, stay tuned for a press conference being given by our very own Governor Gregory Coleman..."
The Tv was shut off by West. "Well I guess the cops got to him before we could.... I was simply wondering where Selena went.."