Chapter 2

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Hannah POV

Getting off the bus, I see my friends waiting for me near the gate. I have the world's amazing best friends. they are just like sisters from another mother. let me introduce them to you:

We have Mia Williams, Rose Scott and Olivia Roberts. They are my queens, the world's best, the ones I can be absolutely crazy, ridiculous, stupid and simply me. Having them in my life is one of my greatest blessings, sometimes I wonder what I had do without them. and seriously speaking I can't imagine myself without them, they are my loves.

'Hey girls!'I say while hugging each one of them. 'Missed you so much'

'Hah I didn't miss you at all, 'says Mia. Punching her arm playfully I say 'who said I was missing you? I was just referring to the others' Everyone starts laughing by looking at the face she makes when she pouts and the bell rings.

'Come on lets go else we are going to hear lots of things on the first day itself,' Says Rose. 'yeah you right lets go' Olivia adds. Walking together in group we enter our class and take our places.

'I hope this year will be good to us, please 2016 be good love 'prays Olivia while settling down next to Rose. Then Mia and I settle down behind them.

'Yeah girl, hope so else we better die than have another year like 2015' I add by remembering 2015. This was a horrible school year from start to the end. duh! better forget that. shaking my head I look at my friends who have already started discussing lots of things.

'So what did I miss?'I ask with a smile. 'Actually we were just saying that...' but Mia cut Rose off by saying that 'We talk only once girl so you better listen next time'

'Yeah, so icantalkonlyoncetooMiadear' I say super fast for her not to understand. 'What?,' she asks looking confused and still trying to understand what I said. 'Sorry love but I talk only once, and you better listen next time' I say by sticking my tongue at her. 'your words against you dear'

'you! don't act smart with me okay' she says pointing her finger at me.

'ohhh! I don't act smart, I already am hah'

Chuckling at the face she makes. she was just going to add something but Olivia interrupts her saying' stop it now you too, the teacher is coming, Mia turn around'

'Good morning class, am Mrs.Jackson, your English teacher for this year. Hope to enjoy my classes with you girls.'

'Morning ma'am, replies the whole class. She seems nice, that's a good start.


Lunch break

'so what's new girls?' I ask

'Nothing, everything's still the same. Good news is that Drake and I just had a fight because of some silly reasons. but whatever I love fighting with my man' says Mia laughing. Everybody joins her. 'Anyway we are going to be okay till night as usual'

'Girl you are lucky to have such a guy,' I say. Seriously Drake Carson is one gentleman, a very caring and loving boyfriend, responsible guy, and very mature for his age, and most of all he is not like those busy types, he always makes time for Mia, which is one of the qualities I'm really fond of, and also he doesn't hide or is afraid of expressing his feelings. He is one who just doesn't say he loves but shows it. And seriously speaking, if you have such a boyfriend then you are damn lucky girls. Just like Mia.

Rose, Olivia and me are the single ladies in this little group of ours.

'Am crushing on someone girls,' Rose admits. 'WHAT!,' we say all together. Now this I shocking news. 'Don't look at me like this, it's not that shocking for you to open your eyes so big!'

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