Ali Kemal Suggested I Should Make A Love Story-Romance-... Here It Is!
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Theres always that one person who you love the most, but they don't know when you try to show your love for them. Why don't they love you back, especially when your the most kindest and loving person. I Just wish one day someone would come to me and say how much they love me and i will be happier than ever. I Know this didn't feel real but it was too good to be true... My love for someone was the most strongest and best thing that has ever happened to me.
It all started when i arrived at school on a wednesday morning. I woke up in the morning at 7:00AM with my Mum barging in the room whispering i should wake up. She pulled my curtains both to each side and picked some normal ordinary clothes to wear. Something that i would normally wear on a school day. Coughing all the way, she picked out my grey tracsuit bottoms and my top. She pulled out my adidas black and teal cardigan with a pair of black 'All star converses', my favourite.
I dawdled to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, then hair, and pulled my clothes on. I went back into my room and grabbed my bag under my bed. After i went downstairs for breakfast. There was sitting a plate of Chilli with corn bread, and pancakes with chocolate. My older brother, Jay, came and took my plate of Pancakes with chocolate and i sighed with a hmph and minutes later my little sister and little brother, Princess and Sameul, came to eat breakfast sitting by my side. Out of the blue, Jay laughed whilst eating his pancake. My eyebrows went up and my nose went cold.
It was 8:30AM and it was time to go to school. I Put my plate in the sink and kissed my Mum goodbye. I flicked my brother on the head to come quick instead of eating. I Took Princess and Sameul to the corridor and put their coats and left the house. Jay was catching up with us talking to his girlfriend on his phone with kisses. (Yucky)!!! I looked back at him and sighed. Why couldn't my life be more like his? 10 Minutes later, we arrived at school and i dropped Princess and Samuel off to their class; i went to wait to go up. My friend arrived at school and gave me a wave, i was waving back with right leg on the wall, typing a message to my friend on my phone. I Told my friend, Jade, that i like the boy. She was the kind type of person who would tease you as in a joke. I raised my eyebrows at her and she laughed more than anything; i laughed back. I Knew she like a boy but he liked her back. They were a happy couple which i was very much proud of.
That lunch time at 12:30PM i decided to let my fears out and show people what i'm actually like. I threw my coat on the bench. I took Jade with my so i wasn't too frightened. I Smiled as i was sprinting to the boy i liked. Slowly, without fear, i put my hands on his shoulder and closed my eyes tightly. I opened them without hesitation. He was eyeing me, looking confused. I whispered in his ear, "True love in a snow globe is here..."
He smiled and i smiled back. He whispered back in my ear, "So do i..." I Was shocked and Jade laughed covering her mouth, i flicked her head and she laughed even more. All the others were looking at us and grinned and all started to cheer. Luckily the teachers didn't know what happened. And i was glad they didn't.
3:30PM- time to go home. I Was walking home with my friend and she said that the boy i liked lived in the same area as her. I really didn't care because he comes to my school. I decided to go to my friend, Saima, pulled me, persuading me to go to her house. I Agreed and went up the stairs. As i entered her house, the thoughts of my true love entered my mind. I Slipped my shoes off and went to Saima's room. We sat and gossiped for 3 hours and i then decided i had to go home. I hugged Saima and waved her goodbye. I ran down, out of the building and there stood playing a game of football was my true love.
To Be Continued.........