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She was being dragged by two sturdy soldiers holding guns. They wore long boots which covered their legs below the knees and their bodies were covered with armor with their heads protected by helmets. They looked like robots with guns for hands.

She looked around to see the faces of the people. She saw the young girl whose eyes couldn't help letting free the waterfall of tears. The redness on the girl's cheeks showed the emotions, feelings, and the pain. She was helpless but the girl was even more helpless then she was. Because the girl felt guilt and that is the most dangerous cage; even more dangerous than death. Death is a mere thing but oh that guilt! The guilt that you feel when you are not helping someone is destructive! And even though you can't, that feeling still clings on to you.

Her eyes shifted to the next on looker. It was an adult girl. She tried to read the expression on her face but failed. She couldn't regard her as concrete and a blank person because that would have been far too great an accusation. The only thing that she could conclude was that adults might be better at hiding those expressions - those emotions.

Next was an old woman, with white hair. Her wrinkled face was filled with pimples. Her weary eyes were bulging out. Her expression was the same as of the young child, the same sadness, and the same tears.

Looking at the people she felt the guilt herself too, because it was for her that people was were feeling guilt.

She thought about the people. She thought about the evolution of a child to a man and then a man to child again.

'A child has no control over his emotions. He can't control his tears. As he grows, he slowly learns to control them till he reaches a point when he is as stern as a rock; when his emotions can't be shown. And no one can judge him as weak or strong. Mostly people would judge him as strong but they would not be mostly true. And most of their life they remain stern or strong. But eventually, as they grow older, the strength within them soon fades out. And they are left weak. They again cannot control their emotions and they become children. Because till then they have figured how much damage the entrapped tears had done to them. They have finally figured that tears are not something to be afraid of. They are a blessing which certain people are deprived of or deprive themselves of.'

The grip on her hands was steadfast. She could see the pile of woods and the wooden stake to which she was about to be tied up to be burnt to death.

She struggled very hard to get free or at least to prevent herself from getting near the pit of death or falling into it. She put all her energy to her feet and tried to grip her feet to the ground. The mud helped her. It didn't let go. It prevented her being moved forward. It did, until it no longer could. That was when she let go too. She let go all her struggle in despair, for struggling was useless.

No wind blew to wash away some of the sorrow from her. Everything was still, even that will within her to get free, had died. And now it was easy to control her. She was soon to be tied up. She had calmed down.

She looked at the sun, it was so round; so rough less. It was so beautiful. She wondered how could she never notice the sun before. Why did she never look at the sun during day when it's yellow? It suddenly struck her. She could never see the yellow sun for the yellow sun shone too bright. Now that it was near red she could see it.

'And the same is the case with people. When they are happy; when they are yellow, they are able to hide themselves, They are able to hide their real selves because at that time they are not helpless. They are the masters of themselves. But when they are red; when they are furious, they are helpless. They lose control over themselves and their true nature is shown whether their true nature is beautiful or ugly.'

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