Mate's with my Bestfriends, Boyfriend's Beta.

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"MUUUUUM!" I screamed as I shut the front door quietly.

"In the kitchen hunnie!" I dropped my bags and shoes off in the hall way I went through to the kitchen, "Hey hun shouldn't you be at school?"

"Well yeah I just, argh I just need your motherly advice FOR ONCE!" I smiled, she smirked and carried on stirring some soup she had cooking.

"Well, what on?"

"My mate..." I muttered under my breath, her stirring stopped and I was pressed against the wall with my mother beaming at me, and shaking me a little to tell her the details.

"Mum, if, if you stop shaking me, i might be able to explain!" I said pushing her away gently she chuckled and strummed her nails against the work counter excitedly.

"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon!"

"Fine. It's Noah Tanner," I mumbled. Her squeal? Well i'm surprised the windows or glasses didn't break.

"He's a fine young boy baby! Ah i'm so happy for you! Are you happy? Does he treat you nice?"

"Well happy's a overstatement if you ask me, I hate him mum! I've hated him forever and he's suddenly my mate? I think it's a mistake like you know those one's which are like over in a week?"

"No hunnie, that's only wolves with humans as mates because it's harder for the wolf to decipher the soul. Wolf mating's are always correct, baby your stuck with him," She said sadly.

"He kissed another girl today..." my mother's face changed from beaming to horror. "But I kissed another guy to get him back, so it's all good," I winked, her expression didn't change.

"You know you get sick if your with anyone else?"

"Yeah I understood that when I threw up my breakfast," I muttered coldly, if someone could have bloody warned me!

"Oh baby, you should give him a chance," she smiled getting back to her stupid soup.

"Uh why?"

"Because everything will be better when your with him, the world will seem brighter and everyday life will seem easier all because of him. You'll give in eventually anyways," she smirked, I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest.

"KIM! WHY THE HELL IS YOUR DAUGHTER SUCH A BITCH?" Noah jogged in with a red face.

"Noah!" my mum squealed embracing him tightly, did I forget to mention my mum loves Noah? She's bestfriends with his mum.

"Hey Kim, and ooooh," his eyes landed on me and he shrank back a little, yeah he should be scared the bastard.

"Would you too just sort it out? Why the hell are you arguing?"

"He's a dick."

"She's a bitch."

"I'll force you to kiss!" I laughed at that, no way in hell is that happening, I was actually wiping tears from eyes it was that funny. But Noah and my mum just stood there folding there arms over there chests.

"What?" I spluttered.

"Kiss!" she boomed, I shrank back trying to ignore her command but the alpha genes in her were strong. Oh yeah, and Jake's my cousin, my mum is his aunt- by the way.

"NOW!" she ordered smugly I focused on a tile on the floor trying to ignore her commands, but Noah was pretty shit at resistance.

I felt his presence get closer and closer every second, like a robot, he was soon in front of me. I heard the kitchen door shut softly and I cringed at the sparks that flamed around my fingers as he laced them with mine.

I could feel the energy I had draining away, to concentrate on ignoring your mate and an alpha command is difficult on a number of levels. "Please dont," I flinched.

"Give in!" he growled, I felt my resistance leave my body and my wolf played up.




I shivered and slowly brought my head to face his, he was so close, his navy eyes boring straight into mine. His fingers locked under my chin and he pressed his lips against mine, instantly I felt myself loosing control, his fingers dug into my hands and my hand laced around his neck.

It was no make-out sesh, it was just a long peck and all I could focus on was the firey sparks that flew between us.

This is no mistake.

I pulled away from Noah breathing hard, it wasn't even a real kiss! Just a peck!

Oh god.

"Give in!" he commanded, touching his lips with his finger he stepped back dazed. "Please?"

I didn't know what to say, did I actually want him for him? Or for just this amazing feeling he gives me?

So I did what most girls do best.

I ran away from my fears, into the heart of the forest and bawled my eyes out.

Why couldn't my life be simple? A mate who wasn't a jerk, a mate I didn't maybe hate? Someone I could trust?

Nope I got Noah, Noah who had never been in a relationship, Noah.

I found a fallen tree and lay down on its, trunk and I looked up into the sky. You could see the moon, even though it was still daylight, birds chirped and some other animals probably were doing something.

Gah life is so unfair sometimes.

"Charlotte?" I sprung up headbutting Noah and falling off the trunk into the mud, SEE! He's inappropriate!

"Ugh, you bumder!"


"I'm being nice, what do you want?"

"Can we try make this work, take it slow? On your conditions?" he smiled, helping me up, little did he know he was coming down with me.

He landed face first into the mud, it splashed all over me, honestly I didn't care I was wetting myself with laughter too much to notice. "Urgh you bitch!"

"Oh shut up you love me," I smirked rolling over to my side, I'm already muddy? Might as well get worse!

"Yeah your lucky, now what do you say?"

"Okay, but really slow," he nodded grinning we both got up and headed back to the pack house.

I don't know if he realised that the term 'slow' means, trying to be civil. Then maybe friendly. Then you know quite close. And maybe then I'd let him take me out on a friendly night out. That was my deffinition of S.L.O.W.

"I'm going to have a shower," I yawned kicking my muddy shoes off at the front door.

"Can I join?"

"Slow you prick!"

"Okay, okay!" he smirked holding his hands up, I ruffled his hair and headed up the stairs for a well needed shower.

After washing all the mud off, I pulled on a pair of shorts and a tank. I let my hair dry naturally, which I knew it mean't my hair would go into a thousand ringlets and it means I'd have to put in extra effort tomorrow morning to tame it. But o'well.

I wandered down the stairs and grabbed an apple on the way to the games room, I skipped in noticing I had company, company i didn't want.

"Can I please just get some peace and quiet?" I muttered hoping he'd disobey me, omg I really am getting attached!

"Nope, c'mon lets play!" the unfortunate feeling over relief washed over me as I sat on my usual bean bag.

This was one helluva long day...


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