tony gose to angelicas house
tony knocks
angelica opens
angelica turns head
angelica- can i help you are you lost
tony- stop it i was stupied i want you back
angelica- i don't think you should be here
tony- ??? wat why
angelica- i told my mom try's to close the door
tony- tell her wat?
angelica- nothing -wispears- u raped me
angelica- well u will
tony- wat are u talking about
angelica get's his arm and throws on bed
angelica- u want to have sex or not hot stuff
tony- hell ya i do
angelica strips on him
tony- oh hell yes more baby
angelica- u like that um.... ya i like that all so
Have sex for 3 hours
angelica- plzzz leave my house
tony- u....but i...
angelica- GO!
Tony kisses her
angelica wipes mouth
angelica- go now !!!
mom try to open door