Chapter 4: :RE

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        "Would you..." Yami's cheeks showed her hesitation, "want to come with me?" It was then that Urie regretted returning to the Château early from the CCG. Even more specifically, he regretted slamming into Katayama Yami as she was departing from the shared home. On the other hand, she was joyed that she decided to leave at such a time and ran into the boy. Yami didn't even mind that he dropped her notebooks due to the collision. For three days now, the girl had been trying to speak to the boy but, every time she would enter a room he occupied, he would steal a glance at her before scurrying off to either his bedroom or the CCG. Yami was far too timid to knock on his bedroom door and initiate any form of interaction.

Yami was not stupid though, she knew that he didn't want to even breathe the same air as Haise or Shirazu after the events of the other night. Truthfully, the only reason he had been avoiding the company of Yami and Mutsuki was to dodge the lecture that he assumed they would give him. 'Sorry to be a bother, but I think you should apologize to Haise-san.' He could hear the light voice of Yami's unsaid words in his mind and see her pleading eyes looking into his. He hated it.

"Urie-kun..." Her real voice spoke his name. Urie's attention moved from the front door, that he desperately wanted to escape into, to the amber-eyed Quinx. It was then that he fully noticed that her hair was loose, the unique blue-grey color falling in unruly waves down her back. He had never seen Yami with her hair not pulled into two buns (or, on occasion, a tight braid) and it was no question as to why, now that he saw how untamable it truly was. It did make her look delicate, though. "Shirazu is inside." She said after biting the skin on the inside of her cheeks thoroughly.

That was the bit of information which Urie had gotten persuaded by, and the next thing he knew he was beside Yami, walking in the streets of Tokyo. He hadn't asked where they were walking to nor why because whatever he agreed to do was more formidable to repressing his anger than sitting in the same building as the man who took his title as Squad Leader. After all, Urie wasn't forced to talk with the girl he was accompanied by. That was not what he agreed to. Instead of traveling in an awkward silence amongst the inhabitants of Tokyo he listened to music. The instrumentals flowed through his head and calmed him ever-so-slightly. He needed that mode of relaxation too, considering that when the pavements became more compact with rushing people, Yami softly pinched onto his coat to stay connected. She did this so gently, in fact, that he questioned whether or not she believed she was doing it in secret. He didn't look over to her, but he imagined that she was blushing in embarrassment from the contact.

Before long, Yami halted herself outside a coffee shop in the 16th ward. A smile sculpted onto her face, brightening up her already radiant features. She really was quite beautiful, but Urie didn't permit himself to look at her for too long. Instead, he shifted his line of sight to the café that he assumed he would be forced to go into.

It was a quaint-looking place, the wooden accents on the brick contrasting well and making Urie feel as if he was in a lodge of some sort. Based on appearance, he expected the place to have a rather musky smell, but as he inhaled, his theory failed him when he detected a floral fragrance. Large windows covered the outside, allowing him to see the interior of the place before even walking through the heavy door. The sign posted in front of the windows read ':RE', a strange name for a strange place. "Haise and I... we're trying to go to all the coffee shops in Tokyo. I've found this one without him but haven't taken him with me yet." She giggled awkwardly to herself before turning her eyes to Urie, "D—Do you think that makes me selfish?" There was no response given, mostly because Urie had not cared to turn his beloved music down to hear her words. He did, however, take note of her features once again. Something about her looked off, not as joyous as usual. He dared not ask and was thankful when she pulled his sleeve to coax him inside with her so he could completely forget about the unplaced emotion he had picked up on. "The coffee here reminds me of... my old friend's favorite."

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