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Hey, to count down to Monday I'm posting the questions and answers, so if you aren't interested in this chapter just skip it. Tomorrow I'll be posting the trailer for the grand finale, so get excited!

Are Charlie and Johnny ever going to get along?

It depends on what you mean by get along. Even when they hate each other, they get along, since they seem to agree on how to treat each other. With anger, with kindness, with love, with everything they have. To me, Johnny is a reflection of Charlie through slightly different light. Charlie is unmistakably irredeemably bad, and so is Johnny. What makes them any different?

Who's your favourite character?

As a person, Harry is a peach. He's so kind and thoughtful, and only wants what's best for his friends. As an author, James is my favourite. Truth be told, I had originally planned to have Samuel kill James but I just couldn't do it. There's just so much to him, his kindness, his teasing, his intelligence, his self-sacrifice. He's a genuinely good person and protects people he doesn't even know at a ridiculously high cost. Keaton is a close second, since I just find his backstory so intriguing. Everything about him was shaped by how he was taught to be, and he just is trying to survive like everyone else.

Who's your least favourite character?

As a person, Johnny (even though I love him as an author), he's amazing. As an author, Felix. I feel like the show does a very good job of establishing him as Pan's right hand, loyal until death and a bit of a sadist. I don't write about him very much because I just can't really picture him as anything except the behind the scene's man, and I can't picture his relationship with Charlie at all.

Why is Felix not in the story?

Well, I mean he is a little bit. Like above, I have trouble with writing him. He barely appears at all and I treat him like more of a device than a character, which is on me.

Which character reminds you of you the most?

That's a toughie. I think it's probably Max. I know he's the youngest, and I'm quite a bit older than him, but there's something about being the baby I relate to. He's also insightful, but self-deprecating and thinks he's useless because of the way his body is, which I relate to a little bit. Nevermind that he's pretty snarky when given the opportunity.

What is the death count?

That's hard. 13 as of right now. Charlie does answer this question in the finale with a drastically different number though, so who knows?

Charlie's period? What?

Okay, hear me out. She doesn't have it because they aren't aging. Her body is trapped at the stage of what it was when they first entered camp. They still need energy to keep their bodies going, but Her period doesn't really need to happen so it doesn't.

Shape of the island?

I've attached a map of the island to the side, but obviously it has some changes. The general shape is there, but where it says certain locations obviously is incorrect. That's the basic shape though.

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