Chapter 24

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Seth was hanging out with Xavier Woods, Roman, Dean, and a few other superstars, god knows where. I was comfortable in a Pikachu crop top, Sweatpants and my hair tied up in two lil' buns, I woke up a bit ago and got dressed when I notice something wrong in my stomach. I know for a fact Pregnancy is off the list because Seth and I always use protection. It was hurting extremely bad now, I curled up in bed, grabbing my phone, I rang Seth while hunching over in pain, tears rolled down my face at the pain.

"I'm ringing Seth because, I can't seem to get up, It hurts badly. And the area is like...Red and swollen."

After two rings he answered. "Hey, Babe, can you call me back or when I get home?" He asks. "S-Seth." I sniffle. "Baby, you alrig--Roman turn down the music." Seth asks. "Babe, are you okay?" He asks. "N-No, My stomach, it's--" I let out a yelp of pain. "Babe, just stay put. I'm coming home." He says. "Gotta go, boys." He tells his friends, I heard a door close. "What exactly hurts?" He asks. "Abdomen, But it's like swollen, I'm quite nauseous so when you get into the house bring up the trash." I groan. "Alright. I'll be there in two minutes." He says. "Okay." I hung up. A little bit later, I saw Seth hand me a trash I quickly vomited into it. He held my hair back. "Can you like walk?" He asks. I shook my head, sobbing into his chest. "Want me to call an Ambulance?" He asks. I look up at him. "I don'--" I yelp once more in pain. "Fuck that, I'm getting them here." He dialed a number on his phone.

"I'm in a lot of pain right now, Somethings wrong with my stomach, it's swollen, I'm nauseous, Cramping, I have no clue what's going on, Seth is the type of person who doesn't take it lightly, It's either, We drive to the hospital or I'm calling an ambulance."

Seth held my hand, waiting for the Ambulance to arrive, I cry into his chest. "Shh, baby.." He whispers, Soon enough people with a stretcher came in. I explain the pain to them, and they help me onto the stretcher. They put an oxygen mask over my mouth. I reach my hand out for Seth's, who took my hand, as I got stretchered out.

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