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I'm sorry......


Baekhyun's Pov

Hmmm? Why is the bed so bumpy? What is this?

Slowly I rubbed my eyes open and saw hyung with the nine other men who were captured in the cell now seated in a row across from each other.

Drowsily, I sat up and looked at hyung with questioning eyes. I tugged his shirt to get his attention and he smiled once he saw me awake.

"H-hyung where are we?" I asked as Daehyun turned towards me.

"Aw is Baekkie finally awake?" Daehyun asked and ruffled my hair.

"Wh-where are we?" I asked again my sleepiness wearing off.

"Oh we are in a car and traveling to one of my secret bases away from here. We will be protected and I have more of my men there." Daehyun answered.

"Wh-what?" I croaked as I searched around the car for Chanyeol who I was supposed to be cuddling with.

"It's ok Baek, we escaped and I found yo-you in that bas**** bed all spent so I wrapped you in a shirt and carried you in here. I'm so sorry that I let that disgusting creature touch you." Daehyun mumbled on the verge of crying.

"Hy-hyung, he loves me and I let him do it with me." I answered.

"No it's impossible. Believe me Baekhyun, Chanyeol never loves anyone because he doesn't have a heart. He's just using you as a toy. He doesn't have feelings, just listen to me Baek. Hyung knows best." Daehyun replied and rested his hand on top of mine.

"Bu-but he told me that I wasn't a toy and Chanyeol really does love me!" Baekhyun cried as tears flowed down his pale face.

"Baekhyun I know it's hard to listen because you love him a lot but we have to face reality. Baekhyun please I don't want to kill Chanyeol and make you sad forever so I didn't harm him and let him live. So Baekhyun don't let me regret my choice." Daehyun answered as his voice cracked a little.

I swallowed hardly and I wanted to deny because I-I know that Chanyeol loves me. He has real feelings and he does have a heart. I wanted to go back but I knew that was impossible. Chanyeol and hyung are mortal enemies and they would kill each other as soon as they meet.

I know that we will come back one day so I kept silent and followed hyung to wherever we were going to. I hope that this is the right choice. I'm sorry Chanyeol but I promise that I'll come back. I love you.


Chanyeol's Pov

I had the best night ever. Smiling I replayed the night before in my head. Baekhyun's sexy sounds and cute, inexperienced movements placed a smile on my face.

I turned around and called "Baek~" as I tried to loop my arms around his body-just to be met with emptiness.

Finally opening my eyes, I saw the messy bed but Baekhyun was nowhere to be seen. It felt like that day again on my birthday when Baekhyun left me.

No he's probably in the bathroom I assured myself as I stumbled off the bed while calling out for Baekhyun.

To my horror, the bathroom was empty as was the rest of my other rooms on my private floor. There was a knock on my room as I quickly opened it to see if Baekhyun was there.

But to my dismay, it was one of my men.

"Mr-." He paused as he took in my naked form and stared straight ahead before continuing "Mr. Park, the men escaped with Daehyun in the middle of the night and managed to steal one of our vans. We have already dispatched a group of men to chase after them." The man reported.

With a little flip of my wrist, the man bowed and exited the room. Slowly pieces seemed to fit inside my head as I laughed bitterly. You pretended to love me just to let my guard down and you leave?

So it was a lie from the start. You didn't love me.

But last night.....Baekhyun really does love you. A part of my mind points out.

He's just using you Chanyeol. Stop lowering your guard. What happened to you? The other side of my brain shouted.

Baekhyun left again after I treated him nicely and loved him back. If you don't love me-fine I'll make sure you regret this for betraying me two times. I'll remember this. Angrily I pulled a shirt on with my pants and stumbled over to my mini bar.

I downed a bottle of vodka as some of it trickled down my neck. Wiping it away, I grabbed a random bottle and popped open the cap with my teeth and sucked it empty. I continued until I felt myself numb enough. I didn't remember how many bottles I downed after I threw them across the room after each one I finished causing them to break into a thousand pieces-like my heart.

I've become too soft and lowered my guard around Baekhyun too much causing him to betray me two times. Feeling the alcohol get to me, I shook my head and stumbled in the elevator reaching the garage.

I unlocked the door to my race car and slid in easily. Intoxicated, I turned on the engine and sped out the building and zoomed out into the city. At this moment I didn't care about anything or anyone as I stepped onto the pedal and accelerated quickly.

Useless salty crystals fell from my eyes as my vision became blurry. Then I felt the car hit something really hard as it spun a couple of times before it landed harshly on the cement. I was stuck upside down as a stream of red trickled down my brow and onto my lips.

Then a truck from the other side sped down as I stared at the bright lights and the resonating honks before the truck.....


Well....hehe it just happened this way.

And um love you guys! Imma take a nap right now.😪😪😪

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