「56th period」: jealousy time

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student no. 1

It really pissed me off seeing how hard Iroha tried for her asshole of a childhood friend

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It really pissed me off seeing how hard Iroha tried for her asshole of a childhood friend.

Even if we ended up playing video games, the study group showed me the truth, that she was serious about the whole thing. You could all see it when the girl stopped playing the video game at one round. The typical game freak Iroha wouldn't even stop.

And yet, here am I hoping that she doesn't get too serious, I thought, looking over at the girl who has been dozing off beside me.

It's been a few days since then. During the same week, Korosensei was eager for the class to collaborate. We had to teach each other, explain parts our classmates didn't understand. Basically, it was like playing school. And to be honest, Iroha was one of the students who taught the most effectively.

But she was acting differently.

"At least she didn't get rid of her old habits" Itona pointed to my seat mate who was fast asleep, after I complained about the girl's odd behavior.

"Right" I agreed, before facing forward to hear Korosensei's announcement.

"---- I'm glad to say that I have finished checking your the test I made to serve as a review for tomorrow's examination. We'll discuss the answers soon after you receive your paper".

"Before that, shouldn't you wake up Iroha-chan, sensei?" Kurahashi asked, while everyone was too distracted to pay attention to him.

Instead of the listening to the octopus, all eyes were on Iroha.

It was usual for her to either sleep in class or to skip it. The only difference was that, now, nothing could wake her up. In fact, Kanzaki and the other girls even managed to borrow a blanket to put on the girl. Even the octopus let it slide for once.

"It's fine" the octopus said like some caring parent, "I'm pretty sure she's been up all night. Now about the results, the one with the highest score is---".

"Probably Karma" Terasaka sighed.

"Drumroll please!" The octopus cheered on, doing it himself, "With, 100 points, Iroha-chan and Karma-kun earned top place!~".

"Are you sure it's this girl?!" Nearly the whole class exclaimed.

"She's not even making an effort"

That wasn't true. Iroha had been pulling up a number of all nighters since god knows when. It was the reason why she nearly slept throughout our classes. She even called me at 2 in the morning to explain a question. It didn't take a genius to know that such efforts would pay off. The bags under her eyes said enough.

𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐅. karma akabaneWhere stories live. Discover now