Cuddle Puddle

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Justin:Hey Y/N wanna come over
You:Sure be there soon
You had no clue why at 2 in the morning Justin had invited you over but you decided to go anyways. Then you text Justin saying "I'm here"
Justin:Hey Y/N what's up
He says leaning in and then kissing your cheek. You and him go inside then you see Damon, Izaya, Alex, Danny, Raegan and Kale.
Justin:Come on join the cuddle puddle
He says pulling you on top of him
Damon: Oooohhh
Then Justin runs his fingers through your hair and turns on a movie. Eventually it is just you and him up and he look at you and lightly puts his hand on your cheek
He says kissing you

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2016 ⏰

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