Chapter 4

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He stood up and ran to the kitchen; his breakfast was burning. He looked back after he turned off the stove and asked, " How should I believe you? I just met you and now your a 'ghost'. I stood up and walked towards the door. I opened it, for I could have walked through, but he needed to know that no one could see me. He rushed to the door and followed me down stairs. "What are you doing!?" I didn't answer him and got outside. I walked into the middle of the street and faced him. "Deejay! Are you crazy get over here. A car came up quickly and gained speed to meet the speed limit. "Get out of the way! Move!" I stood there and stared at Alexander and smiled. The car zoomed about 3 yards away from me and Alex tried to run out and grab me. He was too late. The car went right through me, like I wasn't even there.

Alexander stood there, not saying a thing. He looked at me in disbelief. I simply walked back into the building and back up to his apartment. He eventually came back, but until then I sat on the couch and waited. He walked in and went straight to the room I slept in, which I think is his, and closed the door.

I didn't know what to do. I sat for an hour and patiently waited for him to come out. I got impatient and knocked on his door. He burst out and pushed me to the ground. "What are you!?!" he yelled." Well, I told you." I said quietly while sitting up. "I said what are you!" I yelled again, but this time he grabbed a gun from his belt and pointed it at me. "I'm a ghost. I've died a year ago in an accident. That's all I know." He stared at me." Get up." He demanded. "Why?" I questioned him. "Get up now! Get out of my house!" he made a gesture toward the door. "But, I need your help. I don't know why you can see me, but it must be for a reason. Please help me." I spoke calmly. He put his gun down and continued to watch me. "So you were killed a year ago, why do I need to help a dead girl?" I stood up and looked at him in the eye, " I know absolutely nothing about my life. I need your help to figure it out. To know what I did in my life."

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