Fighting Love (Junhoe)

55 3 6

Genre:(Slight) Angst and fluff

Note: I'm not a fan of the angst genre so I apologize if this is not good.

Requested by kimerinchii17


In where Junhoe thinks that fighting is the only way to get your attention.

Crack. The sound of knuckles breaking, hitting a quite soft surface, followed by a muffled grunt caught Erin's attention.

Oh no. She thought. Is Junhoe at it again?

Erin, feeling slightly nauseated, tried locating the sound she heard just a minute ago. It came from the outside, where lunch is currently being held at by your school's open cafeteria. Sighing, Erin stood up from the position she's in; next to a bench with her friends.

Dear God, please don't let it be Junhoe. She mentally begged.

But as soon as she reached the area and saw the mess that is the back of Junhoe's mop of a hair, she knew she was right. Junhoe was fighting, yet again. The sight was gruesome; blood was trickling from the cut on Junhoe's lip. Junhoe's opponent was not in good shape either. There was a gash on his right cheek, a result from Junhoe's many rings adorning his fingers.

"Stop!" yelled Erin.

But did Junhoe stop? He didn't, that much was obvious by the seething rage rolling of off Junhoe's rattling frame in waves.

Erin yelled again, this time actually having success. Junhoe looked at her; the realization that she's here making him hesitate a bit. That was a wrong move on both Junhoe's and Erin's part. His opponent, realizing that Junhoe was distracted, quickly seized the opportunity and punched him in the face before fleeing with the group that was with him.

"Junhoe!" Erin gasped. "Are you alright?"

Shocked beyond belief, she rushed next to Junhoe. Who was doubled over, clutching his face.

"Y- yes," was his weak response.

Worried, Erin gripped his shoulders. Hauling him up from his position to bring him to the nurse's office. Halfway through the school's hall however, Erin was stopped by Junhoe's arm gripping her forearm.

"Stop," he croaked.

"What do you mean stop?" Erin screeched, sounding like a banshee. "You got a cut on your lip, which looks deep by the way, and there's a possibility of you getting a black eye! I'm getting you to the nurse's office whether you like it or not." and with a huff, Erin continued walking. Dragging Junhoe with her.

Reaching the nurse's office, Erin pulled Junhoe in. The nurses that were in the room took one look at Erin and Junhoe before taking a double take of Junhoe and quickly fluttered over to him. Asking why he's injured. Erin told them that he fell and that the book that we was carrying at the time had hit him on the face. The nurses, seeming to have bought the lie, began wiping at the cut on Junhoe's lip.

After the whole ordeal was over, one of the nurse wrote a letter so that Erin and Junhoe can go home and skip the rest of the school day. Erin was puzzled however, asking the nurse why she got a letter too. They had told her that since Junhoe's parents are super busy and is unavailable to pick him up, she can help him to his house instead. Baffled but nevertheless accepting it, Erin led Junhoe outside.

"Why did you fight, Junhoe?" Erin asked him tiredly.

"Nothing," mumbled Junhoe.

"What do you mean nothing?" Erin asked, feeling anger starting to bubble inside her chest.

"It was nothing," he mumbled again.

"Junhoe, I swear to God, if you don't tell me why right now I'll-"

"It was because I wanted to get your attention, okay?" Junhoe angrily yelled.

"W-what?" was Erin's shaky reply.

"It was because I like you and I wanted to get your attention," he continued, softly this time.

Erin was shocked, the anger that was bubbling inside her chest quickly dissipated.

"Y-you like me? But if you do then why fight? You know I hate it when you fight." Erin whispered.

Junhoe's once intense eye softened.

"I know you hate it when I fight. Trust me, I do. But the thing is, the only thing that will catch your attention is when I fight. You never spared a glance my way, so I did the only thing I know that will guarantee your attention; me fighting."

"Oh Junhoe, baby. You should've told me sooner that you liked me." Erin laughed.

"Why?" Junhoe asked, slightly blushing when she called him baby.

"Its because I like you too, idiot!" Erin giggled.

Junhoe's face lit up. "Wait, really?" he disbelievingly asked.

"Yes!" Erin clarified while hugging Junhoe around the waist.

"Oh my God!" Junhoe exclaimed, hugging her back.


Well oops, there you have it! The ending was really bad omg. Yeah, angst and fluff are not my forte :\ But anyway, hope you all enjoyed!

Also sorry for the delay :(

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