"A-ahhh....Please.....s-stop!" You panted. Where were you? Well, to be honest, you didn't know. You couldn't even see where you were because of the blindfold blocking your vision. But, to you it didn't matter anyway. You may not have known where you were, but you knew who you were with and what you were doing with that person. You were with, the Demon Lord himself, Lord Ghirahim. You knew the whole story about the legendary hero of time, Link and how he defeated the Demon King, Demise. But little did he know Demise's sword, Ghirahim, didn't vanish with him. Knowing that you trained yourself countless hours, to hopefully defeat Ghirahim and make a name for yourself too. Sadly, you didn't succeed. So now you were caught in the clutches of Ghirahim as he slowly pushed his dick in and out of you, making sure you felt every inch of his big cock inside of you.
"Please..." You pleaded once more, hoping the Demon Lord would release you.
"But if I release you, then we wouldn't be able to do this again, now what would be the fun in that? " He said as he ran his long tongue against your nipples suddenly causing them to harden at the unfamiliar touch.
"Someone seems excited." With his demon powers he was able to create an icecube. With it, he started rubbing it all over your nipples and breasts causing you to gasp and release a loud moan at the cold sensation. He the proceeded to suck all the water that happened to melt off of the ice as he pushed his cock deeper inside of you.
After what seemed of hours of unwanted touching and kissing, Ghirahim finally releasing his grip and told you to stay put, saying he had some business to deal with in Faron Woods. Taking off the blind fold you finally realised where you were, near the back entrance of Sealed Temple, which was near the Sealed Grounds, one of the places where Link defeated The Imprisoned. You then noticed Ghirahim had left you naked on the floor and took you clothes. Luckily though he was dumb enough to not tie you up and leave you next to your Blue Loftwing.
You then climbed onto your Loftwing and flew back to your island in the sky.

Link x Reader Lemon
FanfictionTaking place after the events of Skyward Sword. Link is finally able to rest. That is until when he has to take in a new female knight named (y/n). Luckily, everything is going smooth until Lord Ghirahim rises again, more powerful than ever, and ca...