Dreadful Wedding

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Sorry! Sorry I haven't been able to update fo a long time! School days and schedules are really hectic. But since it's already Xmas vacation, I'll try to update sooner...


Toby's POV

"There is no way I will bond with her!" I said to my father. We are currently having an argument about this whole me-getting-married-to-Tiana-thing.

"Yes you will! You will bond with her AND get married to her!" my father shouted back at me.


"No more intervenes! You will get married to her! That's final!" My father says at me. I walked out of the throne room angrily. There will be no way I'll get together with her! But it's my father who decided. And when he decides, no one intervenes...

Tiana's POV

I let out an angry huff and sit still on my bed. It has been decided. I will marry Toby. There's no way in getting out of this situation.

There was suddenly a knock on my door. "Come in." I said.

The door opened and revealed to be Connor and his wife, Skylar.

"Oh hello. What brings you two here?" I said.

"Oh nothing. Just a piece of advice about Toby from my husband here." said Skylar.

"Oh. Well. What kind of advice?"

"It's not actually an advice. It's more giving you a few warnings about his doings when you two get married." Prince Connor said.

"Oh. Well. Please sit down." I said. Gesturing over the couch.

"I'll leave for a while." Pau said to us. She went by Connor and kissed his cheek and walked out of the room.

"So, what were you gonna say?" I said.

"I'll just tell you that, try to understand Toby sometimes. He might be a real... umm. What's the correct, proper term?"


"Well, that would do. Anyway, he might be. real... jerk to you. But he'll welcome you."

"Pfft. That would be the day when pigs fly."

"No. No. He'll welcome you. He just... don't want to easily get attached. Especially to a girl."

"And why is that?"

"I am not the one who should say this. Just, understand that something happened to his past. Something hurtful." and with that, he stood up. "I should be going." he said.

He walked out of the room and left me alone with my thoughts. Something hurtful? I didn't know he gets hurt when he's so numb.


That week of 'bonding' wasn't really bonding at all. Why? Because it resulted like, me and Toby arguing for 3 more times. And besides, we go on our own seperate ways when we go out. It's like any normal day.

Anyway, other royalties such as Prince Thomas, Prince Braiden and Prince Chris, Princess Alyssa and other more came to the wedding. The Princes are at Toby's room while the Princesses are with me.

"This day shall be memorable!" Dmitri squealed.

"Yes. It will be memorable. Because this'll be the day I get to be Toby's 'wife'." I said, my voice full of sarcasm.

"Don't worry! He'll come out of his shell." Skylar said.


Then someone knocked at my door. "Come in."

The servant popped her head "Everyone has assembled. The groom is waiting for his bride."

"Okay. You may leave." I said.

The servant left and we prepared for the Wedding.


After the dreadful exchange of vows, we're here inside the Palace Grounds having the Reception.

The dreadful part in this celebration is that I'll be dancing with Toby. This disgusts me. And guess what, we're dancing right now.

You must be wondering if Toby and I kissed at the wedding. Well, sort of. I only kissed him in the cheek so yeah.

"Don't think were on good terms just because were married." Toby said.

"I'm never gonna think that." I said back.

"Later, our parents said, we'll be sleeping in one room."

"Yes, I know. How dreadful."

"Whatever. When we get to the room, we'll be setting a few rules..."

I smirk at his idea. For the first time, I like his decisions.


When the party ended and everyone had already went their separate ways, I sit on the bed in our room while Toby is standing in front of me.

"So let get this over with. I give a rule, you follow. You give a rule, I follow. Deal?" Toby says.

For the first time in my whole life, I made a deal with him. Pretty weird. "Deal."

"Okay. My rule is that, you go your way, I go my way."Toby

"We take sides on the bed, couch, etc."Me

"No taking baths together." Toby said. Gross. Like I'm gonna take a bath with him.

"We act affectionate to each other only when someone's around."

"No touching of my items."

"Also no touching of my items."

"No staring at each other."

"Okay. That will be it. Just add some if we need to."


So, We put pillows in between the bed, one side of the room has my things, the other has his. Then, I slept without saying anything to him. Hey, he said he go his way, I go my way. Need more explanation?

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