Chapter 1-the Bet With the Blond

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Chapter 1-the Bet With the Blond

              "Ok Hermione! Truth or Dare!?"

"Why do you guys always pick me?!" She complained to the three other girls in the room we all smiled at her and I whispered back,

"Because your the most fun to mess with obviously!" I let out a quiet laugh at the look on her face Ginny was laughing into my pillow, considering she had snuck into our room, we were having a bit of a sleepover, it was me, Ginny, Hermione, and my best friend, Rose, who at the moment had an extremely red face from holding in laughter, all night we had been laughing over the stupidest things, it was so...odd, yet strangely, we found everything hilarious.

"But I don't want to go!" She nearly winned and we shushed her and hit her with the pillow to quiet down so that we wouldnt wake up Lavender Brown, no one really wants to talk to her right now, it would probably ruin our fun.

"Nope! You have to! Pick truth or dare, or I'll pick for you!"

"Your a very evil child."

"I know!"  She groaned and fell into her pillow and said something that just sounded like 'mffmfmmf' So I said

"You cant say it into your pillow 'Mi, its more muffled then the time Ginny-"

"Shut it Dani!" I just smirked at her, and then Hermione lifted up her head from the pillow and muttered silently,


"Yay! I dare you to snog Ron!" She looked at me as if I had told her to go and murder Dumbledore, as she basically hissed out,

"No! Theres no way I'm doing that!"

"Yes you are 'Mi!" She just fell into her pillow after Rose said that, Ginny was still laughing for no apparent reason, I looked at her, and let out a quiet giggle, then Rose started laughing, and for some reason it set me and Hermione off into laughing about absolutely nothing, as annoyed as Hermione was, she still laughed along with us! Honestly I think we need to get our heads checked! You know...Maybe I'll go see Pomphrey about that... Once we had all calmed down, Ginny said to Hermione, her face still red from laughing so much,

"Ok 'Mi! Its your turn to pick!" Hermione got an evil look on her face and whispred something to Rose, who's eyes widened, but then a wide cheshire cat like smile came onto her face. I looked at her cautiously as blondie (Rose) said,

"Ok, Hermione has given me the privilege of asking you dearest  Daniella, so, Truth or Dare?" I smiled at her knowing that there was nearly nothing I would have a problem doing, so with that knowledge, I said Dare. The grin on her face got even wider as she said,

"I dare you...To snog...Draco Malfoy." I looked at her and said,



"Yes, ok."

"How are you ok with this?!" Hermione said looking at me like I was insane

"Well its not like I have to have sex with the guy, so I really don't care, its just snogging." I rolled my eyes at them, I didn't really care about anything, I was carefree, and fearless, not always a good combination,  but it worked for me.

"Hm...That gives me an idea-"

"No Rose, I'm not shagging Malfoy." I said rolling my eyes, I have to have SOME limits.

"I wasn't going to say that! I was just wondering if we could make a little bet miss. Daniella."

"Oh not another one of you guy's bets!" Ginny groaned as she fell into a pillow, our bets were always...a bit extreme you could say.

"So, whats the bet?" I asked Rose ignoring Ginny, her crazy blond curls  fell into her face, and she blew them away, and then said,

"OK, this is a bit of a dare also, I dare you to try and make Malfoy fall in love with you, and I bet you can't do it."

"Oh your on Rosie, the usual?"

"Yes! Ginny, Hermione you guys want in on the action?" They just smiled and Ginny said,

"I'm not betting any money, but, I bet that she can do it."

"Well I bet she cant, and no money from me either."

"Well then, its a deal." We all smiled and started laughing again and I said,

"Oh...This can only end in disaster..."

"But it will be quite funny  to watch." Said Hermione smiling, we stayed up for a little longer, then Hermione fell asleep, soon afterwards so did Ginny, and it was just me and Rose left awake plotting on how to do it,

"OK! So the first thing you have to do, is have a civil conversation with him."

"Do I have to?"

"Yes. Then, you can slowly start becoming friends."

"There's no way that would even be possible! I mean...Its Malfoy..."

"Well I'm not helping you anymore, because I want to win that bet!"

I rolled my eyes at her and we both laid down to go to sleep, the whole time I was falling asleep, I was thinking of ways for this to work...And it was going to be harder than I thought. And most definitely a disaster.

But it will definitly, be entertaining.

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