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It's a sunday afternoon and I'm still the exact same as I was last sunday, a pathetic, useless mess. I sit in my room and look around myself ; I've nearly torn off all the wallpaper off the walls so it's bare. I'm going insane and there is nothing I can do about it. My body is shaking from the draft coming from the air vent in my cell.

"Rise and shine" Sally the ward officer shouts when walking down the isolated corridor, "the press are coming today meaning you have to actually pretend that this place is somewhat enjoyable." God damn, I hate it here.

"Ross," Sally demands while slamming on my door window, "get your ass out of your room and make yourself look presentable." I hold up my skinny middle fingers to the window and she frowns in disgust. "fuck off you bitch" I shout with no regret. She moves away as I walk into my bathroom. My morning routine consists of me having a shower with really cold water and washing my hair with nothing but the prison soap. They call it rehab, I call it prison.

I put on one of my best white tops which isn't white ; more like grey, covered in dust. My jeans are stained with my mistakes from the past few years and I don't know how this makes me feel. I slip on my black sandals and unlock my room door.

Most of the patients are traipsing out of their rooms looking as miserable as they have always been. Most people are here for alcohol abuse, drug abuse or being homeless. The difference with me is that I'm here for all three.

I walk into the meeting room where we have visitors but I've never been in here before. A camera crew are here and they are spread out over 4 tables. "Hello," one of the men speak "we are here to see what life is like inside a rehab institution. We have selected 4 inmates to sit with 4 of our journalists." I really can't be assed.

"This is a load of bullshit" my best swedish friend gabe says to me, "I'd rather kill myself."

"I will now tell you the people we want to speak to," the tall man states, "Gabrielle Gomer" I see Gabe walk over to the table and he shouts " IT'S GABRIEL FOR FUCKS SAKE GET IT RIGHT ASSHOLE" and slams his body down on a chair.

"Izzy Jones, Katie Roberts and Liam Ross" fuck. I'd rather throw myself off a bridge thanks. I walk over to one of the tables where a boy with blonde hair sits opposite me. He looks about 19. "What do you want to know, I haven't got all day" I spit at him. He smiles and brushes off my harsh words.

"I'm Sean, I just want to know what life is like here. How are you treated here? Does it have good facilities?" I roll my eyes and say "the foods shit, the rooms are shit, my life is shit. Is that it?" Sean laughs. "What? Is my life a joke to you? Mate, if you wanna start shit come at me." I stand up out of my seat and raise my fist. He starts writing notes. He's a pussy.

He finally looks up and notices my tattoo on the right side of my chest. "What does it mean? Is it symbolic?" I sit down and I spit "what is it to you? why do you care?" He rolls his eyes. "I was only trying to start conversation sorry man" It goes silent while he writes some notes on his notepad. "Stevie Ray Vaughan."
"That's my tattoo. Stevie Ray Vaughan is my favourite guitarist and one of my biggest inspirations." I say while he looks at my tattoo.

"Do you play guitar?" He asks when picking up his notepad. He gets his pen ready.
"I used to, until the centre took my guitar off me as it could be harmful. I don't know, it is what it is I guess." Playing guitar was the only thing that kept me on track and I miss it. Sean starts scribbling down notes again.

I look around the room while I wait for Sean to finish and a girl catches my eye. She has dark hair with slight waves with hazel brown eyes. She is beautiful. I can't stop staring until she looks at me and I turn away. She widens her smile and then focuses her attention back on her client.

"Who's that?" I ask Sean while pointing at the mysterious angel. He looks over and says "That's Alice, she's new to our team. But don't get your hopes up kid, she'll never go for a boy like you. She likes the smart and sophisticated type." I frown. I wish I was smart and sophisticated but hey I'm just a dick with a shit life.

"Right Liam, that shall be all for today but I can promise you that we will meet again soon. You're a good kid Liam, you shouldn't be here." I smile and this is first time I have legitamately smiled and meant it. We shake hands and he walks away. Alice follows behind him and waves at me. My heart stops. I don't have the courage to wave back so I just smile and blush instead.




hey hey hey

right hello its molly and basically i cant remember my password for my other account { @younglove5sos } but yeah heres my new story! I hope y'all enjoy!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2016 ⏰

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Before you were mine - Liam RossWhere stories live. Discover now