Chapter 1 || Hello Little Mate

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Allan in the middel. It's in order from who's who: Michael, Tyler, Mason and Damon... hope you enjoy my new book.

Warning! There will be abusive content  in the first chapter, but will be happy later... you have been warned!



Was all I felt when my abusive father hit me. This has been going on for ten years now and I can only bare the pain a little.

"I don't like being disrespected in front of my co-workers boy. Oh, I know what you want... you want me to fuck you again don't you Allan?" My cocky abusive father says to me.

"N-no sir. It'll never happen again I promise..." I pleaded with him.

"Ah, ah, ah you been a bad boy Allan. So now you have to be punished... I want you to strip... NOW!" He says, in his serious voice.

I knew that I had no chance at getting outta this one. I accidentally spilled coffee on his jacket and I could see the mean look he gave me when I did it.

Getting outta my thoughts I almost forgot that I was naked and saw the way he was looking at me with a predator smirk upon his face.

"That's a good boy, now get on your back and spread those lovely legs of yours." I did what I was told even though I hated it every second. "Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that we will be having company this time." Befor I could do anything he had cuffed my wrist against the head board. After  that he whistled with his fingers and two men stepped outta the closet that I didn't even now was there and came over to where I was.

"Mmm, he looks delicious." The first person said while licking his lips as if I was some peice of food.

"Yeah, your right. Thanks Rick, we're gonna have fun tonight." The second one said while giving my foster father what looked like hundred dollars. "Well he all yours boy's so do whatever you want with him."

As soon as he left the room the two men started to undress and come on the bed next to me.

"Don't you touch me! Stay away from me you fuckers." I say, as the best I could but deep down I knew I couldn't help but feel fear.

"I see we have a fighter, but don't worry well have lots of fun won't me bro?"

"Yeah, this will be fun."


The first one didn't waist anytime putting it in while the other one shoved his in my mouth.

"Oh, god! Your so fucking tight."

"Cou- St-op pleas..." I couldn't take it anymore... my body was reacting to his but in my mind I hated it.

"Oh, look bro he starting to cry. Does it feel good little you like wore?" The second one asked while playing with my member.

"Crap. I'm so close... fuck! Oh, Shit..." The first one came out of me and sprayed his cum all over me.

"Wow! Did it feel that good, bro?" His brother asks.

"Yeah, his ass felt good."

"Well then I'll have a go as well." He said.

"N-no please... I can't handle anymore." I said.


"Do I give a fuck? No! So shut the hell up and let me take you." The second on said, already shoving his inside of me.

This went on for a while until he eventually came and I was laying there in a mess of cum all over my body. The two guys thanked my father again before leaving for the night.

My foster father came into the room only to laugh in my face before uncuffng my wrist that are now bruised from the struggle I had to do.

"You. Will. Never. Be. Anything. In. The. World... Only my personal money maker." He said, before leaving.


It was late at night while I snuck into my father's room. When he said those words to me, something inside of me snapped and I know I had to leave before he could do anything else to me.

I had already packed my bags for me to finally leave this hell whole. The only thing that was keeping me here was this men laying before me. I grabbed the heaviest thing in the room which was a big lamp he had in his room and I landed it on top of his head.

I ran outta the room, grabbing my bag of what I had and finally I was out of that house for good.

Michael's POV

It was late at night and my friends decided to go on a late night drive around the city.

I was passing lil' Anna's bakery when I smelt this amazing smell. I looked at my friends and I could tell they felt the same as me.

I followed the delicious smell to find I was heading into a park. I parked the car and all three of my friends stepped out to follow the scent.


All of us said as we saw this boy who had barley clothes on his body and smelled like he just had sex. We cane closer to find out he had brown hair with blond highlights, we couldn't see his eyes since he was sleeping.

"Oh. My. God! Who did this to our mate! He's all bruised up. I'm gonna rip there head off who ever did this." Tyler said and I could see his wolf had came out since his eyes were glowing. Who could blame him I was furious as well, but I had to keep me cool so I wouldn't go all Alpha Mode.

"It's okay, Ty calm down. Where here now so nobody can hurt him." Mason says, calming down his friend. Mason was always the more calmer person in our group.

"He's right. We should take him to the pack doctor to see if he's even more hurt." Damon said.

"Alright, pick him up but gently though." Michael says, to Mason and the others. 

Mason picked up our, bruised mate he did stir a little bit but soon calm down and got more comfortable in Mason's arms. Damon carried his bad of clothes and we headed back into the car to the Full Moon Pack.

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