5|| Five

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Vivian's laughter fills her car as she drives,"Really?" She asks Bill, as if she can't believe what he's telling her.

"Yeah," Bill answers,"I swear it helps me learn the lines better." He was worried that it would be awkward hanging out with Vivian, but surprisingly she's very easy to talk to. He's not used to holding a conversation with a person who actually listens and participates in speaking. It's been a while and it feels good.

"Sleeping with your script under your pillow does not help you learn your lines faster. That's a superstition," Vivian tries to sound serious as she explains.

"It's not a superstition it's true. I'm pretty sure all theater 'superstitions'," Bill makes air quotes with his hands,"Are very close to the truth."

"You seriously believe that?" Gideon asks deridingly, from the back seat. He's in a bad mood because Vivian wouldn't let him sit in the front. She said, although Bill insisted he didn't mind, that she didn't want Bill to feel lonely.

"Yes, I believe it," Bill answers turning around to face Gideon,"I believe most things people consider to be ridiculous."

"Even the Mandela Effect?" Vivian questions jokingly.

Bill spins his head around to look at her so fast it's surprising he doesn't get whiplash. His smile drops from his face and any sign of humor that was there before is gone,"Especially the Mandela Effect." He says in a stern tone.

The car falls silent and Gideon clears his throat,"Well in that case I guess I should let you know about the superstition that says you should never wear blue on stage."

Bill's face pales as he remembers the blue bow tie he's wearing, "Shit," he mutters.

"Don't worry Bill, you'll be fine. It's just a superstition, and your audition was great," Vivian tries to comfort him.

"Yeah," Bill agrees looking back at Gideon cautiously,"You're probably right."


Sitting next to Vivian in a large booth at a small pizza parlor that he's never even heard of before now, Bill waits for the rest of Vivian's friends to arrive.

Gideon is clinging onto Vivian, with his arms wrapped around her neck,"Please!" He begs

"No, I don't care if you're on a diet I'm going to order a pizza. If you don't want to eat it that's not my problem," She tells him.

"But I don't wanna eat a salad while everyone else eats pizza!"

"Then don't diet! You're fit anyways."

"It's not that I want to diet, I have to. I have a half marathon coming up and I need to train for it."

"Again," Vivian says, prying his arms off her neck,"Not my problem."

Signaling that the restaurants door has just opened, a small bell jingles. Bill looks to see who came in.

Mabel Pines, with her lush brown hair and designer sunglasses, walks as if she were on a runway with her heels clanking against the floor, through the door to the table where Bill sits.

She slides into the booth, next to Bill without glancing at him once. "Will favorite couple be making an appearance today," she asks sarcastically, taking off her glasses to reveal her tired brown eyes. Her elbows are propped up on the table, and her hands are clasped together. She strikes Bill as the type of person that always gets what they want.

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