Princess celestia(alicorn)-
Princess Luna (alicorn)-
Princess cadence (alicorn)-
Princess Twilight sparkle (alicorn)-
Sci-twilight (alicorn)-
Rainbow Dash(Pegasus)-
Fluttershy (Pegasus)-
Sugar coat (Pegasus)-
Indigo zap (Pegasus)-
Lighting dust(Pegasus)-
Rarity (unicorn)-
Trixie lulamoon (unicorn)
Lemon zest (unicorn)-
Sunset shimmer (unicorn)-
Applejack (earth pony)-
Pinkie pie(earth pony)-
Sunny flare (earth pony)-
Sour sweet (earth pony-
KidnappersNighmare moon (alicorn)-
Queen chrysalis (changeling)-
Midnight sparkle (alicorn)-
She-demon sunset shimmer (demon alicorn)-
Dazzlings (trio earth ponies)-
Starlight glimmer(unicorn)-
Mane-iac (earth pony)-
Mlp kidnapped Rp
FanfictionOk this is my first kidnapping role play story so anyways welcome to mlp kidnapped Rp. Here you can play as a pony(or a EG charter) and could get kidnapped by other ponies/person