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Tear stained pages

Regulus Black didn't feel bad after Grace ran out. It was better for her, after all, if she stayed away from him. However, as he watched the days apart from the girl who knew his secret turn into weeks, he couldn't help but feel.. exposed.

This Gryffindor, one he didn't particularly like, knew something about him only one other person knew. He of course didn't tell his parents, nothing good would come out of the most noble house of black knowing what happened to their youngest son. He was surprised that even after his behavior she refrained from telling his brother of his misadventure.

He was thankful, of course, which is why he told himself ignoring and being rude to the brunette was the only course of action. He wasn't overly rude to her, not in a way he felt would actually hurt her feelings, he only threw in comments to make her blood flare.

Regulus told himself the reason for his kinder approach to her was because she knew his secret, and he wanted it to stay that, a secret. Thankfully, he believed himself. That was probably the reason why he steered himself away from the girl when he saw her clad in a brown woolen poncho with a fur collar, jeans, and brown boots that he quickly disappeared into the nearest store.

He took a moment to take in his new surroundings and was happily surprised to find he had taken refuge in a book store. He let his eyes scan the shelves for a moment finding a few interesting titles before turning back to the window only to find Grace had disappeared.

Letting out a sigh, he walked further into the store, letting himself browse the shelves searching for the titles he had noticed only moments before. He let a puff out of his mouth to blow the stray black hairs out of his eyes as he let his eyes scan the print of the few books he had pulled off of the shelf.

That moment was short lived as someone ran into him, nocking the books to the floor. He closed his eyes in agitation before leaning down to help the clumsy dark haired girl collect the books which had fallen to the floor. However he froze when the girl looked out.

It was her. He honestly couldn't recall her name, but her face was seared into his mind. A cruel smirk twisted onto her lips making his skin crawl as he quickly snatched the books from her hands and the remaining ones on the floor, hoping to avoid any kind of conversation with her.

"Awe, look who it is. Hello Regulus." She spoke, her voice sliding out of her lips like how poison slides down the throat, readying to stop the beat of the heart.

He ignored her, turning away and heading towards the counter with his books in hand. He was quickly stopped when a tan hand wrapped around his upper arm, her long nails digging into his delicate skin.

"Don't be rude." She reprimanded him, her smirk ever present on her face.

"Hello." He replied quietly, trying to tug his arm out of her iron grasp without dropping his books.

"Now Reggy, I've been thinking about our little encounter all those nights ago, and I decided that we should probably talk about. Don't you agree?" She questioned the nervous dark haired boy, and he finally looked into her eyes.

What he found there wasn't what he expected. Her eyes were full of malice, and it was then he came to the realization that if she couldn't have Sirius, she would take Regulus. His mind drifted away from the current situation to what his mother had mentioned over the summer. Becoming a Deatheater. If he became a Deatheater, people like this Gryffindor couldn't hurt him anymore.

He was quickly brought back to the present when the grip on his arm tightened, the girl in front of him seething. "I said, don't you agree Regulus?"

He began to open his mouth, unsure of what would come out, until a voice cut off whatever would have come out of his.

"Amanda Waller, still a cradle robber I see." An amused voice rang out, but Regulus noticed the angry undertone.

"Grace Potter, still a bitch I see." The girl gripping his arm, Amanda, replied.

"Guilty." Grace smirked, walking closer to the pair, making Regulus' eyes widen. "However you probably shouldn't go after your pathetic crushes little brother, that'll make you almost as pathetic as Sirius."

"Don't talk about him like that!" Amanda screeched tightening her grip on Regulus, making Grace roll her eyes and Regulus wince. "Just get out of here, this is none of your business!"

"You're such a spaz." Grace scoffed, crossing her arms. "Plus you're holding my date hostage, mind letting him go?" Grace smirked at the furious look on Amanda's face and shocked look on Regulus' face, which he quickly masked, but the girl removed her hand from Regulus' arm and stomped out of the store.

"You're welcome." Grace told him, turning to look at his face. However he wasn't looking at her, instead he was biting his lip to hold in tears and rubbing his tender arm. "Regulus.. was that her?"

Regulus didn't reply, knowing if he spoke he would only let the tears escape, instead he gave her a simple nod. She let out a sigh, but Regulus was to busy repeating the mantra, "Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry." Under his breath to notice her.

"Regulus-" She began softly, but was cut off.

"No! No! Just.. Just get out of my life Grace, alright?" He snapped at her, not bother to conceal the tears that began to slide down his cheeks like rain on a window. He didn't watch her leave the store, only repeatedly wiping the tears away while staring at his shoes.

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