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The sun peered over Games, the kingdom of Games. There are many kings and queens here, our main king? Felix. His right hand man, King Mark and sir Jack.

The kingdom also hold many other kings.

King Adam and his queen Alesa, who have a child, Prince Mason.
King Ian and his Queen Maddie, who have a son as well, Prince Colton.
King David and his Queen Brina, their son Prince Tyler.
King Joven and his soon to be wife, Lady Kate.
King Wesley and his soon to be wife, Maidan Remina.
King Sohinki, and his girlfriend (also princess of another kingdom) Courtney of The Skits.
King Flitz, who remains unmarried and with a girlfriend.
Queen Mari, who as well is single.
Queen Tiffany and King Red.
Queen Sniper, who is single.
Queen Ashley, also single.
Queen Shelby, single as well.
Queen Jess and her husband King Jason (prince of The Creation kingdom to the east)

Their is another king and queen, but they are unknown by name. They hold the title of second king and queen of Games, they have a daughter. Andrea Beth Cassiopeia. Who well take the name of Queen if her parents pass.

This isn't a story about the already kings and queens, this is About Princess Andrea, who likes to be called Cassie..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2016 ⏰

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