Black vines and Blue flowers

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Chapter 18. G.A
They are afraid of me. I dont blame them. Im afraid of me too.

Calla looks at me in a motherly way as if shes afraid i'll get lost in my own body.
Which I will.
I can already feel the monsterous creature creeping out of my bones.
Its infecting my thoughts, my brain is full of the black vines that coat the forest floor.
Perry... well his first name is Ky but we havent gotten past calling him Perry. He stares at me with fear, but its a protective fear, he watches me with icy intensity whenever I so much as breath next to Calla.
He knows, he knows that soon these dark thoughts will be all thats left of me and thats why I trust him.
Calla loves too much, she doesnt see me as dangerous, but Perry isnt so easily taken and it makes me feel better about being with them. I know if it comes down to it that he will take my life before I could harm someone else.

We walk gingerly through the day crested trees and I watch them both.
I stare at the way Calla sends hurt looks at Perry and how he seems to be somewhere far off in his own mind.
Something has shifted between them. No one tells jokes, No one even stops to ask for food or a rest.
They stalk beside eachother like two wolves who just had a blood filled fight. Though neither seems to be victorious.

Earlier Calla made the desicion that we would go to the compound, I think  in hopes of finding me some help and getting her son before im too far gone.
I didnt say anything about the fact that she wont find her son there.
The thought that Im still lying to her makes my hands shake uncontrolably.
The urge to rake my nails all over my bruised skin comes back, I pant with the effort to focus on walking and not the fact that im literally going insane.
Sweet Pea stays on my heels, her breath hot on my calves,  she  trembles with fear  whenever I try and call her so that shes beside me but she wont leave completely.
I adjust the cotton in my ears, it seems to help settle my crazy thoughts,  all the noises are muffled but still clead enough that they seem too loud.
Calla turns around for her routine 5 minute check in on my condition.
I wonder what it would feel like to turn into a wild creature all by myself without the help of both of them.
The thought sends cold stones into my gut.
Ive always longed to be alone, to be with just myself and my thoughts, but in these moments when I feel I am losing my grasp on life it hits me how much I wish to be with Perry and Calla.   I want to watch Callas keen eyes crinkle when she smiles at me. I want to see Perrys slim  shoulders shake with every witty joke he tells.
"You two are perfect."
I dont know why I say it or even why the thought comes to my mind but it makes everyone stop abruptly.
Perry questions with raised eyebrows.
"I need to rest"
I mumble. We are so close to the compound I can practically hear the yowling of spatting cats and the slapping gums of old people who are gourging themseleves on spiced  bread and apple peels. 
Food I used to eat regularily as one of the children of the sickness compound.
It makes it so much worse, the fact that im dying is so much worse knowing It will be in the place of my twisted childhood.
"Ok we will take a rest." Calla says with a sympathetic smile.
I watch Perry wring his hands together and his mouth press in disgust.
"No! Hes stalling! we need to get there before he goes off his rocker and tries to kill us all. For goodness sakes Calla! Can you not see how bad hes getting!?"
Callas eyes turn dark as the words fly from his mouth.
Lord help him.
She whirls on her heel and slaps his cheek with swift force.
"I have spent all my life listening to the silly whims of a man with no compassion! I am not blind! Im concerned he will rip out my throat any moment!! But if he needs a break then he needs a break!"
Calla rubs her hand that she had just used to slap Perry, he seems stunned, She seems shocked at herself.
We all stand in stunned silence for a moment.
"Well was that a nice slap! where did you learn how to do that?"
Perrys lips break open into a wide smile which makes Calla take a step back.
"I used to watch a lot of black and white movies from the old world... The girls always slapped the guy when he was being foolish.. I always wondered how it would feel."
"And how was it?" Perry urges.
"It was... surprisingly satisfying. Im sorry though! Does your cheek hurt??"
Calla presses a soft hand to his cheek which makes his whole body press forward.
In a moment of 5 seconds they went from brawling wolves to cuddling kittens.
Ive never seen such a display and it makes me light headed.
"Get a room you two."
They turn to me and both break into hysterical laughter at the same time.
I join them.
My ribs colapse in on themselves with rapid jolts of laughter that seems to vibrate from the last part of me thats still human.
I motion for us to continue once we have had our fill of tear soaked laughter.
Calla and Perry shift closer and seem to be relatively relaxed except for their newfound jumpiness they picked up when they found me half crazed at the campsite.

I smell the Compound before I see it.
The distinct smell of rotting flesh and fecal matter enters my nose.
It makes Perry and Calla double over in efforts not to vomit. They clench their noses and gag repeatedly.
I would laugh at the sight if the smell wasnt caused by such sadness.
Im familiar with this smell so i clench my teeth and venture closer to the camp.
"What is that stench?" Perry asks as he catches up to me.
"That Perry Harlan is the smell of the Blood forest."

I lead them slowly to the edge of the compound which is surounded by a trench a few feet deep and filled with sludge.
I lift my head and motion for us to go to one of the three bridges that surounds the area. 
The camp is almost the same as it is in my memory.
Full of wood shacks with cracked windows, tents with muddy covers also decorate the village.
People walk slowly, each in need of serious medical attention, their eyes are glassy from drugs and their hair is stuck to their heads with sweat.
There are no pets, or schools, flower beds, or books.
Nothing that actually speaks of life.
But there is life.
In the corners where you have to look very hard you can see it.
Sometimes you hear a woman scream with the effort of bringing a pink newborn into this world.
Sometimes you see a cat rub under the gentle hands of an old woman.
Sometimes the sun breaks over the rooftops setting them on fire.
Sometimes if you look close enough you can see this place in a different light.
A tear falls from my eye. This is the worst and most amazing place on this planet. Everyone is dying and yet everyone shows compassion, People try their best to care for eachother unlike the world that left them behind.
The world that left my sister and I behind.
A picture of my sister flashes in my mind.
Her ginger hair curves into a braid on her back, soft blue flowers are cradled in her hands, and her pointed nose wrinkles at something I said.
Shes smiling.
Then the image of her is being choked by the black vines.
Everything is tinted in red and black hues making everything dull and then shockingly vibrant.
A low growl builds in my chest.


My wieght covers his.
My teeth dig into flesh.
The scent of fear.
An arrow lodged in my chest.
Callas voice.
Then everything becomes very clear.
I surface from the black vines.

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