Chapter 3: Bodyguard for Niall

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Tucker’s P.O.V.


I remember that specifically, but what was this darkness? I feel so at peace right now in this darkness. There is nothing from my past or from the present to stop this feeling of goodness. I didn’t want this good feeling to go away. The darkness seemed to be ever changing to me. I was just about to head toward a new place when I heard a voice.

“Tucker” I glanced around in the darkness, searching for the voice. I couldn’t find it.

“Where are you?” I called back to the voice, hoping to find it.

“I’m right here.” The voice responded, which caused me to spin around.

“I can’t see you.” My voice carried fright with it.

“Tucker, listen to me.” The mystery voice commanded me.

I froze with fright as the possibility of the darkness reaching out to me rose in my mind. It could consume me and I would just be left here. I decided to listen to the voice.

“I’m listening.” I told the voice.

“Wake up!” shouted the voice from behind me.

“What?” I turned around to face the direction of the voice.

“Wake up now! Open your eyes idiot!” The voice shouted and I felt pain like I haven’t felt before.

My eyes didn’t want to open past a certain amount because the amount of light that flooded them was overwhelming. I slowly opened them after a while and looked around. I could feel my breathing picking up as I took in the sight around me. I was in a hospital room, in a hospital bed and I began to freak out. It didn’t take long for a doctor and couple nurses to run in trying to get me to relax. I did after a while.

“Tucker, you’re awake!” I heard a voice exclaim from outside my room. I saw my boss run in from around the corner.

“H-hello Max.” I said trying to sound awake.

“Don’t speak too much okay?” He smiled at me. “I heard about what happened at your apartment. I’m sorry about that.” I nodded at what he said. “So, the boys from, from.”

“One Direction?” His eyes thanked me for saving him embarrassment in front of the nurses and doctor.

“Yeah One Direction. They told me what happened and how you saved them twice. The second one is why you’re here. You took a minor hit to the lower thigh, but should be able to walk no problem. You had surgery to remove the shell and you have been out cold for about four days.” His voice trailed off, while his eyes seemed to wonder over to the window.

“Four days! I’ve got to get ready to go help Paul!” I shouted, sitting up in the hospital bed.

“Whoa, Whoa. Not so fast mister.” The doctor slowly pushed my body back down. “You can only leave when your boss here signs the release papers.” I groaned at what he said and looked to Max.

“Max?” I gave him my best puppy dog face.

“Nope, not going to work this time.” He turned away from me.

“Pwease Max?” I pouted slightly.

“Gah, fine. You can go.” He said as the doctor handed him the release papers. I moved out of bed quickly before feeling a sharp pain travel down my leg. The pain caused me to yelp.

“You need to be careful Tucker. That pain you felt is from your injury. It will cause you trouble for quite some time. Try not to run excessively or lift huge weights. Besides that you can walk normally and do normal activities.” The doctor answered. I thanked the doctor and nurses before following Max out of the hospital room.

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