I promise.

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Lyric-hay mama, where my charger at.

Bahja-I don't know.

Lyric-okay, I'll just ask daddy.

Bahja-hay, lyric come here.

And she did.

Lyric-yes ma'am.

Bahja- you like Ji don't you.

Lyric-what????(sounding unsure).

Bahja-remember little girl, I was yo age and I know. Just tell me, I ain't gone get mad at you.

Lyric-I mean he cute or whatever, but I don't think he the boyfriend type, and plus I can't get to close cause daddy.

Bahja-will what if I tell you, that if you get close to Ji, but not that close, but you know what I mean I won't tell yo daddy.

Lyric- you serious.

Bahja-I never break my word, especially to my little girl.

Lyric-you promise mommy.

Bahja-I promise, and that's a promise.

Lyric, lit up.

Lyric-thank you mommy, I love you.

Bahja-love you to, now go talk to him, but make sure yo daddy don't see.


And she left off the buss.

And on to hers.

Ji, was on the computer.

Lyric-hay Ji, what are you doing.

He didn't say anything.

Lyric-Ji, hello.

He still didn't say anything.

Lyric-Ji, say some-cut off.

He just walked into his room, and slammed the door, and locked.

Lyric, was confused but shrugged it off and went to her room.

Ji thoughts.

I really didn't want to do that, but her dad already threatened me earlier, he said if I talk to Lyric or even try and get close to her other then doing business, that he was going to beat my ass til I turn blue, and I'm already light-skinned what I look like getting ugly for, not me so it's best if we don't talk and just keep it straight business, and nothing more.


Ji was walking off the bus, until lyric dad stopped him.

Santo-aye boy, let me give you a pre Waring, and you better listen you are not to talk to Lyric or even try to get close to her, besides if there's business involved other then that, don't talk to my daughter or I'll beat yo ass until you turn blue, understand what the hell I'm saying.

Ji-yes sir.

And Santo, walked away.

And Ji, went back on the bus.

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