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"There is a legend of a secret order born in ancient Egypt called "The Eye." It is said that they perfected the sleight of hand to steal food from the Pharaohs and give it to the slaves. Their purpose? Using magic and illusion to even the scales of justice."

"Excuse me? I ordered cream with my coffee."

Awakened from your daydream, you tend to the young man's order as a barista. You always dreamed of being a magician yourself, but you were always put back into your place by your brother. Of course that doesn't stop you from doing little tricks that won't harm anyone.

You grab the open cup and you whisk a little magic. "Abracadabra." You close the cup and give it back to the young man ,astonished he was of your tom-foolery, he demands you to fix his order. "Open the cup and what do you see?", You sing in a playful tune. He lifts the lid open and sees his cream in the coffee. His face shocked with what and how you did it, he shivered, "I don't know what witchcraft you did, but I will find you and I will uncover you." You laugh at his remark and tend to the other customers.

You close up shop and see the busy streets of New York. Everywhere you go, you so happen to magically bump into someone. You arrive at home and notice that your brother is out. "Looks like he's doing another one night stand", you sigh to yourself as you hang your coat on the rack. You grab your phone out of your coat and notice something blue popping out. "I swear to god, if this is another one of his tricks. I will die and come back to haunt him." You grab the blue thingy ma bob out of the pocket. It seems to be a card, written on it was "The Magician". You flip the card around and you see a date and time to be at a certain location. You notice the blue eyeball on the card and scream with delight as you got accepted to become part of the Eye.

You hear jingling from beyond the door. You hide your card in your back pocket and pretend to do something exciting then holler fangirlish screams. The person opens the door ever so slightly so you could see his hideous face. Your brother has arrived.

"Hey Danny! Why you back at so home so early? Got rejected by your one night stand?!" You taunt. "No, actually, I was accepted by my one night stand, but I decided to leave early!", he glares at your snarky remark.

"Mhm... So. Why would you come back so early when you are about to have the "time of your life" , you state in air quotes. "Well, I was unbuttoning my shirt and pants until I saw the tarot card peeking out of her shoe. So I decided to button everything up and be the excited little boy I am.", his glare softens as he makes an outrageous reason to come back. Before you say anything, you think of two questions you want to ask. One, being what is his card and Two, how did Danny see a card from a distance while he was about to do a girl. To avoid any comments that would start a flame war, you chose option one.

"What's your card?", you questioned. Danny snorted and decided to keep his card a secret because he didn't want me to be too involved with his business. Poor Danny, he thought he could keep me out of this, but in my back pocket is my ticket to freedom.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2016 ⏰

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