Chapter 8: Pleading

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"Oh Edward I missed you so much." I mumbled into his solid chest. He just held me there, not that I'm complaining though.
"I missed you to Bella." I felt his soft lips press against the top of my head. Time seemed to stop; everything slowed down-- the world faded and my thoughts were drowned. The only thing that mattered was him and him alone. Our eyes eventually met after seconds of just holding each other. His eyes were not the bright golden color I remember-- they were a duller brown, clearly he hasn't eaten.
"Your eyes are orange." His smooth palm meet my cheek. My eyes shot down to the floor, panicking I spoke "I was desperate... There was other vampires in here too.. I needed to keep my strength up." I sighed and looked up to him.
Edwards calm expression was the only thing keeping me from dry sobbing in shame over the life I took.
"It's okay... You had no choice." My body met his one more time. His loving touch was a drug to me; I could never get enough of it.
"Guys, look, we have to go!" Peaceful quietly yelled.
"Alright." Our arms disengaged and our legs sprinted towards the nearest exit. We were lead into these tunnels that even Edward had no knowledge about.
"Peaceful where are we?" Her footsteps were no longer heard.
"Peaceful?" She was gone. Damn she's silent.
"It's a trap." Edward growled staring into the darkness.
"Wha-- how?" I squinted seeing the finest of a figure standing about 100 yards away.
"Ahhh Edward and Bella Cullen, Aro would love to see you in the Throne Room." I picked out the voice of Alec. One of the two witch twins.
"Burn in Hell." Venom dripped from every word.
"Ahh Tali parole dure per una bella ragazza."
"Leave her alone Alec."
"Then come to the Throne Room; The leaders would love to see she's free."
"Why don't you get Peaceful to tell them?" I questioned already wanting to hurt the girl for leading us down here.
"She's already done enough for us, a great actress isn't she? Mighty beautiful too."
"Awww Alec you're so sweet!" The mischievous young vampire walked up to the Witch Twin.
"You did great baby!" He kissed her. I wanted to puke... All he's ever done is kill. How could she love someone like that?
"But seriously guys Aro's not gonna hurt ya... To bad." She smirked and winked at Edward. "Come with us and get this over with quicker." A taunting smirk was placed on her lips as she looked at me.
"Why you little--" I couldn't help myself. I charged without a second thought.
"Awww is Bella angry again?" My fist swung at her head but she managed to duct. "Is Bella gonna need more blood to try and kill me?"
"Does she need another 8 year old girl to suck dry because she's desperate?" She stuck her tongue out at me.
"I had no other choice." I snarled with my fists balled up.
"Everyone had a choice and your choice was to drain the life out of a innocent 8 year old. Shame, she was one I was leading out of the Castle."
She flung back. It felt so good to finally get her down. I pounded on her like a cat to a mouse. This rat is tougher than she appears. My body flew like a rag doll against the wall.
"Don't. Touch. Me." Her voice growled.
"Then don't set me over the edge if you can't take it."
"Looks like your lover cant take it." Her smirked mocked me. I followed her finger over to Edward. He looked completely clueless.
"Edward?" I screamed rushing to aid him.
"He can't hear you!" The poor excuse of a woman shoved me.
"Just come with us and this all ends now."
"Make sure your boyfriend understands the deal."
I nodded.
"Alec, sweetheart, let him go."
Within a second Edward was back more alert than ever.
"Edward." I stated and he was instantly by my side in defense.
"We're going with them, it'll be okay."
"Are you sure because these poor excuses of people are trustworthy."
"Ouch." Peaceful dramatically place one hand over her heart. Alec pulled her into his arms with a sinister smirk on his face.
"Yes, the faster we do this the faster we get out of here." I quickly placed a kiss to his sweet, sweet lips. I missed his touch, his lips on mine, his body pressed against mine. Everything about him was intoxicatingly beautiful- I could never get enough of it.
"Alright." His arm slipped around my waist as we both faced the devious couple.
"Ready?" The girl spoke.
"No tricks or you'll regret it." Alec's glare was a warning, but it wasn't scary. Nothing seems to fase me anymore and I thank my lucky stars that nothing does.
"Follow us." With that they took off. We followed not to far behind eager to get out of this hell hole.
The grand doors opened revealing people I never wanted to see ever again.
The Leaders of the Volturi
"Ahhhhh Mr. and Mrs. Cullen." Aro stood up and sped his way over to me. "I see mortality fits you well."

Well then... Never thought I would be updating this ever again.

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