Chapter 1

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You stood in front of the window, watching the tall blonde get in his car and drive off. It had been the tenth time that month, that you two had gotten into a fight. You walked over to the bed and sat down, you pulled out your phone and called the only people you knew would listen. "Corazon, it's me y/n."  you said. At first all you could hear was lightly breathing, until you heard Law's voice. "Y/n-ya, We're listening." he said. You smiled at how he said your name, "Law its been a while, ho- "I know you didn't call to ask how I was doing, what happened with you and Doffy?" he asked.

You frowned a bit going silent, Law sighed on the other side. "We're waiting y/n, but please take your time." he said. You nodded your head, trying to hold back your tears. "W-we had another fight, I-I don't know what to do anymore.. Law, Cora-san..." you said as you pulled your knees to your chest and let the tears fall. You heard shuffling on the the other side, "I don't know what to tell you y/n, but if I were you. I would think about breaking it off.." Law said. You sniffed lightly, "N..No no I can't, ... I love him, Law.. I love him too muc-"  Y/n-ya! Listen to me, you have to decide what you want to do. Corazon and I, we can't handle your problems all the time..." Law said.

Your breathing began picking up, tears fell quicker down your face. You knew you had to do it, it was time to break it off. Time for you to move on, and reach for your dreams. The ones Doffy never let you do. "Doffy just showed up, would you like to talk to him now? "Law asked cutting off your thoughts. You wiped away your tears, "Y-yes..." you said. You looked straight forward, looking at the rain falling. Like it always did when you and Doffy fault, "What?!"  you heard Doffy ask with roughness to his voice.

You took a deep breath,  "Doflamingo, I-i think it's best we go are own ways. I've had enough  of.. of everything.. It's been draining me since it started, and I have a life. I want to live it my way not your way!" You said. Before he could say anything you hung up and laid out on the bed. You buried your head in to the pillow and cried yourself to sleep.

*Two Years later*

After breaking things off with Doffy; you left and moved to a small quiet town. Got yourself a nice job at a small grandma and grandpa cafe that paid more than you thought it would. You even started college, things were getting better for you. You met few friend along the away but not many, and most of them never hung around you much. Things didn't start getting worse until you heard the afternoon news. You where handing a man his coffee when a News Report flashed on the TV. You looked up as it showed small parts of a building with smoke coming out. You just thought it was a fire when the News lady came on.

Donquixote Rosinante if the Donquixote family was shot and killed this afternoon.

You froze in place not believing what you had just heard.

Report says he was shot by his older brother Donquixote Doflamingo , we have no farther information on the subject. We hope to have some before the evening news at-

Slowly all sounds around you faded. Tears filled your eyes as this information raced through your mind. A hand waved in front of your face a few times before you came back to reality. Taking a few steps back you realized you had spilled the coffee on the man and dropped the cup allowing it to break into a million pieces. Everyone in the cafe looked at you with worried eyes. "I-I-i-i-i'm sorry.. I-i have to-" you took off running out of the cafe pushing a few people out of the way. You raced to your car and quickly jumped in, started it and drove off as fast as you could.

*Five hours later*

You had been driving for hours non-stop; you saw a near by gas station and pulled in. You parked you car and turned it off; you slowly sat back as the tears began filling your eyes again. You sobbed for over ten minutes before you heard a knock on the car window. A black haired female smiled lightly with a small look of worry in her eyes. "Ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to either get gas or park somewhere else. You're kinda taking up this space." she nodded at you giving another light smile. Nodding to yourself wiping the last of the tears away, you quickly got out and got your gas. You made your way to pay when you saw the T.V screen. Your picture and a younger picture of Law was up, the words:

"Wanted for 150,000 beri, Alive"

You began shaking your head in disbelief before running to your car, you then stopped. You breathed heavily and looked around, you began feeling a sudden calmness inside you. Slowly you pulled over your hoodie and walked inside. 'If I pay with a credit card, I can be tracked. I have to think smart on this..' you thought. You walked around the store a few times before pulling out your cash. You only had 40 dollars, you never liked carrying more than that.

You grabbed yourself a few snacks, a case of water, you went over to the check out. "Do you guys have anymore of those hotdogs? I know it's late but I haven't eaten since this morning." you said placing your things on the counter. The woman who knocked on your window smiled at you, "Sure, I can go in the back and make you some. On the house, I'll just have to ask if you can park your car out back. For your own safety." she said.

At first you thought she might have been some kind of crazy chick, going to abduct you and get all that 'money'. Her eyes said differently, they were kind and gentle, the kind of eyes a mother would have. You smiled and nodded, you paid for your things and walked outside. Many questions raced through your mind.

Why me?

"I have to protected myself" you said out loud.

Where is Law?

"I have to find him."

Is he okay?

"I have to protect him."

What did Doffy do?

"I can't believe I ever loved him."

Is it all true?

"Doffy is most likely trying to get me back... I hope."

You didn't have any idea what was happening or why, you knew little people could be trusted. You knew you had to keep a sharp eye out, your survival instance was completely active.

Word Count: 1,160.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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