{12}-The time Ryan disappointed me

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where is everyone in america moving to?


I open my eyes and see everyone hovering around me. "Why are my hair wet?"

"Dan dumped a bottle on you, to wake you up." Dallon answers. 

I get up and see Ryan standing in front of me, "Hey, we may have never met before, because they never made me meet you. But I am Ryan."

"It's Ryan Ross!" I yell and run around like a maniac.

"She never did this when she met me." Brendon whines.

"Well, you had broken my guitar. How on earth, was I supposed to like you?" I raise my eyebrows.

"You broke her guitar?" Ryan looks at Brendon.

"It was an accident." Brendon says, "Give me my ice-cream, child."

"She never over-reacted when she met me." Dallon puts his arm around me, "She thought that I was a stalker."

"Phoenix." Brendon whispers, "Don't tell Kate and the rest about Ryan being here."

"O-okay." I quietly put my phone back in my pocket. Yes, I wanted to tell them, but for Brendon's sake I did not. "But what is he doing here?"

"He was in town, so he decided to meet up." Brendon says, with his mouth full of ice-cream. Being British, I cringed a little. Not my fault, being in a British household is hard, especially when you are a run-away.

"You talk to him." I exclaim.

"Yeah, once or twice a month." He replies.

"And you never told me this." I say, "WHY?"

"I was fearing this." He says, kissing my forehead.


The wives were here. And I was sitting impatiently for them to come. Yes, I miss some women in my life. I stay with kids/boys, that is why I miss some girl company. "BREEZY!"

"Phoenix!" She hugs me, "She missed me."

"Whatever." Dallon shrugs, while I hug Sarah, Victoria and Maya.

"Hi, Ryan." Sarah smiles. [dont]

"Sarah." He hugs her.


"You're husband's a baby." I tell Sarah.

"Ice-cream?" She asks and I nod, "Overtime."

"Don't judge me." Brendon raises his hands.

"You guys have fun while Charles and I go and do our jobs." I say, moving out.


"Sush, child." I say.

Soon, the concert gets over. I was really hoping that Brendon would call out Ryan, but he did not. Not his fault that we are all crazy. Brendon gets us checked in a hotel. "Hey, Pheonix."

"Yes, Uncle Bren." I look up.

"You can share a room with Ryan." He smiles.

"You sure?"

"Yeah. But don't irritate him." He warns.

"Crap. I was really looking forward to doing that." I say.


"No. Chill." I pat his shoulder.


I did not exactly stick to my promise with Brendon. But Ryan also did not get irritated, so it's a win-win situation for everyone, especially me. "Ryan, can I ask you something?"

"Is it about Brendon?" He looks up his phone.


"Okay." He smiles, awkwardly.

"What happened between you and forehead?" I ask.

"We kinda broke up." he rubs the back of his neck, "The entire thing is very complicated."

"Pardon?" I shake my head, just to make sure that I had heard the right thing.

"Yeah. But he never told anyone, only Sarah knows about it." He says.

"And she was okay, with it?" 

"She is really cool, if you look it that way." He says, "Brendon's lucky."

"Back up. You two were in a relationship?" I say.

"Were." He emphasises, "And we were kids, I mean not kids. We were teenagers. Okay fine, we were nineteen."

I stay silent, out of shock, "But why?"

"He found out that, I had a drunken one-night stand with some girl. We had a humongous fight, I tried apologising and then I left." He explains, "After a couple of years, I apologised again and he forgave me. Because he had found Sarah. Even I had moved on."


"Yes, he said that it was a drunken mistake and he should have forgiven me years ago." Ryan says, "Brendon and Sarah are very lucky to be with each other."

"Ryan." I hug him, "Wow, you are warm."

"I'll take that as a compliment." He laughs, "Now go to sleep."

"Okay." I smile and jump back to the other side of the bed.



"Don't be disappointed, but Brallon was never real." He says, with a small chuckle in his deep voice.

"Now, I am really disappointed." I say and turn back to sleep, "Good night, Ryan."

"Good night, Phoenix."


no hate on me pls

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