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Tanya stood in front of the Patrick's grave and smiled sadly. In her little shaky hand she had  a small paper rose. Nearly the same one which have been engraved into tombstone of him. Then she bowed her head and cried a little. The memories was still fresh. She remembered his voice, and kind smile and everything. He was her guardian for a really little while, but she fell in love with him. "I am sorry. It was all my fault... I never forgive myself for what I did to you... I am so sorry." Someone patted her shoulder. She turned the face to stranger and then smiled, recognizing her new guardian. "Hi, will you take me home?" Ned Chort, freed from the jail, smiled on her. "Yeah, sunshine. We are family now. And I forgive you. That was not really your fault, but mine. I did nothing to keep you safe, although I know the truth. But I was treated for my mistakes and now I am here. To make you smile again, because you, Tanya, deserve it."

They both looked at the grave. "He was a good man. And I am so happy that his murderer was finally caught." After a short prayer they both returned to the car. Nedland took little girl to home, where she was left alone to relax and arrived to the police station. "Hi. How are you going?" The policeman asked him. "I'm finally home, so I bet I'm good with that. And I explained everything to Tanya, so she hates me less. But you know, it's hard to her, because of the death of chief inspector." Gabe Bristle made a move close to him. "Yeah. Know that feeling, when my brother is freaking monster, who killed all these people. I will be kicked from a job because of him. But doesn't matter. I did a good job for the police of Brashing. I hope someone will remember me..." Ned Chort nodded and left him with his memories about important part of his life...

Two months ago, Lucas Bristle was sentenced to life imprisonment. And to the question, why he decided to do this, he said: "I was sent by my God, to did a justice, who blind judges as you kicked out from the table. Alice and her baby deserved to made his murderer pay for his sin. And the others? They were blind too, refused to pay for their neglect." Judge asked him later: "And why you killed Patrick Rourke, if you want to..." "...he made a way too close to us. He treated Nedland Chort at first, and when he found out the name list, I knew he understood and started with new investigation. After putting an Emily-thing to jail, I wanted to finalise it. So he had to die. And this stupid chef inspector walked right in front of me with his unbelieveable stupid smile. He faced me and when I pointed the gun to him, he didn't make a move. He wanted to die. And I helped him. Now I am here, considered as cop killer, which I am not. Because he was not a cop. He was a beautiful man at first. Then he was cold-hearted and ignored me for a whole time I worked at the department. Everytime, when I touch him and bring him a letter, he even didn't rise his head on me." Jury of National court of human rights silenced for a while. All that was only because one man decided to murdered a bunch of people only because the justice, in fact, failed.

"And the last thing,... I killed them because I have a power to do that." Lucas Bristle said, as they brought him back to jail. Silence took a place in court room and everyone just sobbed to sleeves. And then all people in the Brashing chunk their glasses with name on their lips. "To Patrick Rourke, man who saved lot of lives and bring that maniac and deviant criminal to the justice."

True was said. Words were written. This is end of story about bloody blue eyes. About importance of listening and looking after clues that seem one-sided. About unsatisfied love and about mistakes which made this story real, at last.

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